Good news: This supermarket chain will no longer distribute brochures

Good news: No more prospect mountains +++ Swimming makes us smarter +++ Because of the heat: mountain gorillas are no longer threatened with extinction +++ The railway company offers to postpone the trip

The best news in the BRIGITTE Good News Ticker for July 2022

The news often shows the horrors of this world – currently, for example, the corona pandemic and the Ukraine war. But there are not only the dark sides, our world has so much beauty in store for us. We want to celebrate the little everyday things and give you something positive to take with you. It’s time for good news – if not now, then when?

July 27, 2022

No more prospect mountains!

Haven’t been home for three days and the mailbox is full to the hilt. But not with nice letters, but dozens of brochures from various companies, free newspapers and menus from pizza suppliers, sushi and Co. Brochures and flyers are among the most common advertising media in Germany. After the DIY chain Obi, Rewe will now also dispense with brochures from the middle of next year. “On July 1, 2023, the printing and distribution of the prospectuses will be discontinued,” the company said.

The conversion saves more than 73,000 tons of paper, 70,000 tons of CO2, 1.1 million tons of water and 380 million kilowatt hours of energy per year. A win for the company and the environment. According to industry estimates, more than 28 billion brochures end up in mailboxes without being asked. Environmentalists: inside rightly criticize that the type of advertising leads to vast amounts of unnecessary waste, wastes resources and fuels climate change.

Instead of brochures, the Rewe Group now wants to focus more on digital channels and advertisements in traditional media. One can only hope that some competitors will follow suit and the mailboxes will finally stop being stuffed full.

July 21, 2022

This is how swimming helps our brain power

Especially in summer we enjoy the time in the water, because there we can cool down and swim a few laps, which is good for our body. However, doing a few lengths is not only a great full-body workout that builds muscles, it is also good for our brain. According to neurobiologist Seena Mathew, who works at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Texas, regular swimming rebuilds neural connections in the brain. The researcher explains that it regenerates damage caused by stress and also improves mental health and overall brain function.

The scientist is not quite sure why this is the case when swimming. However, it has been shown that exercise increases the level of the protein BDNF, which is responsible for nerve cells growing. We need them for our brain to function properly and communicate, which improves our ability to learn and our memory. In addition, serotonin is released during swimming, which further improves our mood. Endurance sport is therefore perfect for body and soul.

July 20, 2022

Mountain gorillas are no longer threatened with extinction

Mountain gorillas have long been on the endangered species list. There are now so many of them in the Volcano National Park in north-west Rwanda that the protection zone is even being expanded. They are the only great ape species whose population is increasing in the wild. Experts now estimate the number of gorillas there at more than 600. More than 1,000 individuals now live in the mountain region between Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Almost 40 years ago there were 254.

While they are no longer considered critically endangered, they are still critically endangered. However, the population of gorillas has now grown so much that the animals are beginning to compete for the limited territories within the protection zone – seven adult males and a few young animals have already died in the fighting. Therefore, it has now been decided to expand the protection zone. Even villages are to be relocated to expand the area.

July 19, 2022

Because of the heat: the train offers to postpone the trip

The bad news: Deutsche Bahn announces restrictions on rail traffic on July 19 and 20, 2022 due to the heat wave. The good news: Deutsche Bahn offers special goodwill. Those who are flexible when traveling can still use their ticket until July 27, 2022. The train connection is then removed, so you can simply use any train. This special goodwill also applies to saver and super saver prices.

However, the city function is not covered by the goodwill. This means that a normal public transport ticket must be purchased to travel to the train station. Seat reservations can be exchanged free of charge by contacting the DB point of sale.

If the train fails completely, there is the option of forgoing the journey. Normal passenger rights apply here. The trip can be canceled and the full price of the ticket will be refunded.

July 12, 2022

The pig that paints

You probably don’t see a pig painting pictures every week either, and the fact that these are then exhibited in well-known art metropolises such as Amsterdam and London is also surprising. But the artist pig Pigcasso has made it and by selling the paintings he is raising money for the farm Sanctuary SA in South Africa where he lives. The money is used to finance rescue, rehabilitation and education initiatives at the sanctuary.

The works are now being exhibited in Germany for the first time. Since July 1, 2022, the pictures in Dr. Wolf’s Wunderkammer in Hann. to see mouths. The exhibition will run until September 23, 2022 and can be visited from Thursday to Saturday from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Pigcasso was rescued from an industrialized pig farm on the outskirts of Cape Town in 2016, one month after birth, by her current owner, Joanne Lefson. Lefson quickly realized that the sow was interested in the brushes that were left in the stable. She set up a canvas, adjusted brushes, and encouraged Pigcasso to paint. She has been doing nothing else for six years now and has now created 500 original works of art.

Lefson isn’t just about the donations, it’s about creating a connection between our food, farm animals and climate change through this unusual collaboration to enable a kinder, more sustainable world.

July 11, 2022

Netherlands: Exotics are not allowed in the living room

The so-called positive list has been in force in the Netherlands since 2015 – a list of all animals that may be kept in the Netherlands. A final review of the animal species was still pending. Now the final list has been released. In addition to dogs and cats, some wild animals are also allowed, although they have already been domesticated, such as fallow deer. Not to be found are the very popular servals. These are big cats, which are smaller than their relatives tigers, lions and Co., but no less maintenance-intensive.

Many who have acquired such a big cat cannot meet the requirements for keeping them. In addition, big cats can be dangerous. Many exotic animals end up in animal shelters because the owners are overwhelmed. But the homes are often not prepared to take in such animals.

The new regulations will take effect from 2024. However, anyone who has previously acquired an exotic animal may keep it until death.

July 4, 2022

Norway introduces mandatory labeling for retouched images and filters

Who hasn’t activated a filter on Instagram, even if it’s just to make the photo a little lighter, darker or brighter. In the digital world, artificial filters and retouched images are used to ensure that people look as smooth as possible and usually quite unnatural: so that the ideals of beauty are no longer attainable. Norway is now putting an end to the filter craze – at least in part.

Because: From now on, influencers and advertisers in Norway must explicitly indicate if the appearance of people in advertisements has been changed. The change in the law only applies to paid ads. These must be provided with a circular, uniform notice. Changes to be marked include body shape, size and skin, such as changes in face shape, broader shoulders and narrower hips.

Norway has cleared a first hurdle with the new law. They want young people in particular to realize that advertising does not always show reality. However, there is no general labeling requirement for social media. Similar demands are being made for Germany. The federal government has already been asked by a large majority to introduce legal regulations on the labeling of retouched advertising images and the use of beauty filters – here, too, the focus is on advertising.

July 1, 2022

E-waste can now be handed in when shopping

Who doesn’t know it, the hair dryer gives up the ghost and the toaster just doesn’t produce any crispy slices of bread anymore – but what to do with the old devices now? From July 1, 2022, it will be much easier for consumers to dispose of used electronic devices. From Friday, these can simply be handed in at supermarkets and discounters – regardless of whether they were bought there.

The background is a new version of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act that was passed last year. However, there are a few restrictions, so you should first inquire whether the supermarket on the corner really accepts your old hair dryer.

  • The supermarkets must have more than 800 square meters of retail space.
  • The markets themselves have to sell electrical and electronic equipment several times a year or continuously (to meet this requirement, electric toothbrushes on offer are enough).
  • The old devices must be of a certain size. The edge length must not be more than 25 centimeters. This means that items such as a kettle, razor, but also a smartphone are allowed.
  • The obligation to take back is limited to three devices per device type.
  • Large devices can only be taken back if the customer buys a new device of the same type.

Would you like more good news?

For even more good mood, just take a look at our good news ticker from June.

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