good news, your additional Agirc-Arrco boosts by 5.12% on November 1

13 million private withdrawals will benefit from a revaluation of their additional 5.12% from November. A much higher level than expected.

This is good news for private withdrawals. After the basic pension which benefited from an early revaluation of 4% in September, the complementary Agirc-Arrco which benefits from more than 13 million withdrawals will get a boost higher than expected, as revealed by MoneyVox at the end of September . As of 1 November, this will be raised from 5.12%. This is what the board of directors of the Agirc-Arrco plan has just decided on Thursday.

This revaluation is based on the evolution of the average salary per head (SMPT) whose increase in 2022 is estimated 4.8%. The increase in the complementary is therefore higher than that of the SMPT. Indeed, the joint committee, where the unions of employees and employers’ organizations meet, has decided to go further in a context of high inflation. Only the CGT abstained, claiming an increase in 6.2%.

A decision that does not call into question the finances of Agirc-Arrco

The increase in the complementary Agirc-Arrco will therefore ultimately be 5.12%, applicable from November. A boost of 4.5 billion euros but which is not likely to call into question the financial balance of the regime.

Retirement : save by paying less tax. 13 contracts compared

According to an internal document consulted by AFP, the supplementary pension scheme for executives and private sector employees Agirc-Arrco should still end the year in the green, with an assessed technical result 3.7 billion euros.

Retirement: by how much should your pension increase in September and then this fall?

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