Good start to the year for Toosla

The vehicle rental company recorded solid growth despite delivery delays which were resolved at the end of the half-year.


Good start to the year for Toosla | Photo credits: Toosla

We have just reached the symbolic milestone of 600 cars, compared to an average of 240 in 2021; a good omen to continue the summer period which got off to a good start and to amplify this very good trajectory. Eric Poncin, the CEO of Toosla, does not hide his satisfaction at having succeeded in managing the crisis in semiconductors and the delays in deliveries in the first half.

To do this, the 100% digital vehicle rental company has adjusted its pricing policy, signed new manufacturer partnerships and extended the holding period of buy-back contracts. Today, these delays are being reduced, according to the leader. Toosla ended the semester with a turnover of nearly 3 million euros, up 79% over one year.


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