“Good times: Zeyin Aly says goodbye to Berlin

“Good times
Zeyin Aly says goodbye to Berlin

Zeyin Aly has played Noah Sander since April 2022.


The “GZSZ” family has to say goodbye to one of its actors. Zeyin Aly aka Noah Sander leaves the neighborhood.

Zeyin Aly (28) says goodbye to “Good times, bad times”. Since April, the actor has appeared in the RTL series in the guest role Noah Sander. Now the 28-year-old would like to devote himself to stage projects again for the time being and “play a few plays”, as he reveals in the RTL interview. On August 12 (7:40 p.m. on RTL or RTL+) will be the last time Aly will be seen as Noah.

Warning, spoilers!

The charmer got involved in a relationship with Sunny Richter (Valentina Pahde, 27) in Kolle-Kiez. Because of Sunny’s unclear relationship with Philip (Jörn Schlönvoigt, 36), there were always discussions between them. When Noah decides to turn down a tempting job offer for his partner, Sunny tells him not to, realizing her feelings for Noah aren’t enough. They split up and Noah left for Chicago.

Do Sunny and Philip have a future now?

Is the path between Sunny and Philip clear now? “I think that since Noah is now taking on a new challenge and is leaving Berlin, Sunny and Philip can sort out their emotional world and see where it is taking them,” reveals Aly.


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