Good Vibes Trend: 6 tips for more positive energy in your home

Good Vibes living trend
6 tips that will let positive energy flow into your home

© Daniel / Adobe Stock

As temperatures drop, we spend more and more time within our own four walls. The best way to get more comfort and feel-good moments out of every corner – we explain how you can do it.

It doesn’t have to be a big step to turn your apartment into a small oasis of well-being in autumn and winter. Small changes are often enough to put you in a better mood. What we miss the most, light and the green of summer and spring, we bring back to us with clever hand movements. Because in our own little world of the living room, bedroom or bathroom we can do a lot for it. Here are our good vibes tips.

1. Use natural light to your best advantage

In the darker months of the year, just a touch of natural sunlight is a real boon, so it’s best to make the most of every second that’s still light outside. For example, when we get up early for work and it’s still dark, we sometimes lack the motivation to raise the blinds or push the curtains aside, but it’s worth the effort. Then natural light is good for our healtheven through the window in the home office.

Slightly transparent curtains are a good choice to let the light flow better into your home. Best in lighter tones, which also provide a warm light. A friendly yellow, less strong orange or light blue are also possible. It is important not to use too strong colors that could block the light too much. Also a great help: reflections that spread the light in your room.

A mirror that receives sunlight can make your room appear like more light is coming in. Also make sure that objects are not too large in front of your windows and block the light – and: Even if it is annoying, it can be worthwhile to clean the windows every now and then even in winter. Especially when the next sunny day is coming up, ten degrees or less or not.

2. Eliminate clutter where it bothers you

There’s a difference between well-organized chaos and uncontrolled chaos. Have you had objects that annoy you when you walk through your apartment for a long time? Because they are in the way or because there is just too much going on where they are? Then put those things out of your sight, put them in closets, put them in a different place or room where they won’t bother you as much. Too many objects in our field of vision can cause us stress, as many of us like to live with a sense of order.

By the way: Lots of colorful and comfortable cushions on the sofa or a shelf full of travel souvenirs and photos are of course not part of this. Regularly walking past positive memories can definitely lift our spirits. For example, replace the full table with the things you really need in everyday life – and add one or two photo frames of beautiful moments with friends or family. Bouquets of dried flowers in beautiful bright colors are always a good idea to give you a little joy every day.

3. Use real or fake plant decorations

Efeutute, Einblatt or spider plant not only ensure good vibes in your home, they also help to improve the indoor climate. Plants have been proven to make us feel better and less stressed. So it always makes sense to integrate them. But if you don’t have a green thumb – or cats, to which many plants are poisonous – you can also get nice fake alternatives. You can let (fake) real ivy climb down a shelf, for example.

4. Walls in fresh paint

Sometimes the colors just aren’t as beautiful as they used to be – or we need a change of scenery to feel more comfortable again. This can either be a wall in your room that sets a colorful accent, or bold and colorful wallpaper.

In general, our eyes are always pleased when we see something when entering a room. Darker colors on a chosen accent wall can spice up the room and make it more comfortable. Whether dark or light color is more for you depends entirely on your own personality.

5. Use your favorite scent

An essential oil of your choice provides a pleasant smell in your home and cheers you up. Again, your personal preference is key here. It can be a natural oil that smells like lavender, vanilla, cinnamon, or maybe your favorite fruit. However, mixtures such as gingerbread spices or speculoos are also possible to get you in the mood for Christmas or to evoke beautiful memories in us.

6. Artificial light can also be cozy

It might not necessarily be clinical white light that accompanies you through the winter. LEDs, for example, emit a bluish and rather cool light that can quickly become uncomfortable. Warm, orange-colored light is better suited for making us feel good. Relying on smaller light sources that only illuminate the part of the room relevant to your activity, instead of the overhead light, also makes you more comfortable.

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