Sometimes fears, worries or to-dos can stress us so much that we simply cannot find peace. A single question can bring a lot in such moments.
In the podcast "Betreutes Feeling" with Leon Windscheid, Atze Schröder compared his inner serenity with a lake: stones could well fly into it and of course there will be waves, but basically the lake is just still and calm while the sun is setting , Reflect the moon and stars in it. This comparison is great because it makes it clear that even basic people (like Atze Schröder) get upset when there is reason to, but quickly find their way back to their inner center and balance. The question that arises, however, is: How do these people do it?
Question against acute excitement
Of course, there are numerous effective ways to relax yourself. In their podcast, the two experts name, for example, yoga, art and nature or take a few minutes every day to get excited (we also have some methods, e.g. in our article, staying calm or decelerating). But in a state of acute excitement, from which we just can't find a way out, sometimes a single question or mind game can help to get a bit down, namely:
- What is actually the worst that can happen to me in this situation?
What happens e.g. B. If I miss an exam? I have to write it again, maybe I'll even end up without a degree – that's stupid, but then I'll try another way. What are the consequences if I fail to manage my to-dos and fail at work? Well, I can lose him and maybe I won't find a new one and I'll get unemployed. But then I will at least be picked up by our social network and can continue my education, reposition myself and get help from the BA. What if I'm overwhelmed as a mother and do something wrong? In the worst case scenario, my child will become a traumatized, screwed-up adult, but that can just as easily happen if I do everything right.
Are all these worst case scenarios, which with a high probability will not even occur, really so absolutely bad that it is justified to indulge completely in the panic and excitement? Or wouldn't they all be fates that we don't wish for but would somehow manage?
Even in the worst case scenario, the world does not end
Sure, our everyday dramas can take really terrible turns and put us in a tight spot – but even the worst outcome is never the end of the world. So many people have seen terrible things and somehow coped with them. Parents have lost their children, athletes have lost their legs and almost everyone has already lost a job. Probably all of them would have thought beforehand that they would not be able to cope with it, but when faced with fate they did it after all – and some even grew from it.
Granted, in the worst case scenario, this method can probably stir up even more fear and excitement than before. But isn't it somehow reassuring that even then the world won't end …?