Goodbye to traditional marriage, will serial monogamy become the new norm for couples?

In recent years, traditional marriage as we have known it since the dawn of time has gradually disappeared. In fact, today’s couples are much less likely to marry, but favor a series of long-term relationships.

Traditional marriage, once seen as an indestructible institution, today seems to be faltering in the face of changing mentalities and lifestyles. Indeed, in twenty years and despite the authorization of homosexual marriage in France, the number has fallen by almost 21% (241,000 marriages in 2023 compared to 300,000 in 2000). While some prefer the civil solidarity pact (PACS) which was put in place in 1999, the reduction in the average duration of romantic relationships means that others are simply moving towards unions without commitments.

Even though studies show that people still believe in the beautiful concept of “ they lived happily until the end of time» at more than 90%, marriage is however no longer a particularly followed tradition as it may have been at the time. If marriage has been synonymous with a lifelong commitment for a very long time, contemporary reality means that morals and trends change over time. In recent years, a new model has emerged in a more discreet way and that is serial monogamy. But what is this concept? We’ll explain!

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The evolution of romantic relationships

This concept, although confusing for some, reflects an adaptation of modern couples to a constantly changing world. Instead of continuing a single relationship throughout their life, some opt for a succession of monogamous relationships, favoring the idea of ​​being faithful to one partner at a time, but for a shorter duration. This trend seems to resonate with a generation that values ​​personal development and constant evolution more.

A concept that Dr. Helen Fisher, a former anthropologist renowned for all things related to relationships and love, validates, for her “marriage is just something your mothers and grandmothers did” . A new development in romantic relationships which will undoubtedly help reduce the divorce rate which has only increased in recent years while figures prove that 40% of first marriages end in divorce. It was marriage expert Stéphanie Cootz who highlighted that relationships have completely evolved over the last 30 years, much more than in the previous 3000 years.

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Why have relationships evolved?

It’s in its free Marriage, a History: From obedience to intimacy or How Love Conquered Marriage that Stéphanie Cootz wrote: “Never before in history have societies thought that such a high set of expectations for marriage was realistic or desirable. Although many Europeans and Americans found immense joy in building their relationships around these values, the adoption of these unprecedented goals for marriage had unintended and revolutionary consequences that have since threatened the stability of the entire institution. .» In short, this means that expectations between partners are much higher than they have ever been.

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If, for example, at the time it was customary for women to marry men they did not know or whom they did not love, today this is impossible. Indeed, women of our time are looking for a “soul mate” as confirmed by a survey of American women which showed that 60% of them believe in it. A way to review romantic relationships and commitment through the concept of serial monogamy.

Jessica Ferret

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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