Google, Apple, Meta and Amazon will have to comply with the new European legislation from 2023

The European Commission that the Digital Market Act (DMA) will be implemented in the spring of 2023. Although no name has been specified, this new legislation very clearly targets the GAFAMs, which are under increasing pressure from the old continent. The latter will then have 3 months to declare themselves and thus recognize their obligations.

The European Union has had the GAFAMs in its sights for years. So far, only a few isolated interventions have been carried out, whether to protect the privacy of its citizens or to fight against anti-competitive practices. But in 2020, the European Commission is presenting a comprehensive and organized fight plan: the Digital Market Act (DMA). The objective is simple: to prevent the excesses of the big names in tech while simplifying the lives of consumers.

It will take a little over a year for finally, at the beginning of last March, the Member States to agree on the list of rules that make up the DMA and to sign it officially. However, this new legislation has not yet officially entered into force. This last point is also at the heart of a controversy among insiders who fear that GAFAM will have time to prepare to circumvent the new regulations.

The DMA will come into force in the spring of 2023

But the wait won’t be that long. Margrethe Vestager, Vice-President of the Commission, announced that the DMA will be in place by spring 2023, adding that Member States “prepare for law enforcement as soon as the first notifications arrive”. For the time being, there are still many details to be settled.

On the same subject — Google, Facebook, Amazon: US MPs present 5 anti-GAFAM laws

“The aim is to set up new structures within the Commission, by pooling the resources of DG Comp and Cnect on the basis of the experience acquired. […] Our teams are currently busy with all these preparations and we aim to present the new structures very soon. »

While the DMA does not explicitly target GAFAMs, it will concern all companies with a large service platform with a significant impact on the European market, whose market capitalization exceeds 75 billion euros and with more than 45 million users. monthly. Suffice to say that Google, Apple and company are concerned.

The latter will therefore have 3 months to declare themselves to the European Commission. Therefore, they will have to comply with this new legislation.

Source: TechCrunch

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