Google Assistant now watches over your passwords

Mathieu Grumiaux

May 24, 2022 at 12:20 p.m.


Google Assistant © Temitiman /

© Temitiman /

The search engine is rolling out a new version of its voice assistant, capable of replacing the Passwords compromise.

Google Assistant is constantly expanding with new features. This is the case today, with a very useful new update for the security of your personal data.

Google Assistant can replace your stolen passwords

Google has indeed started the deployment of Play Services in its version 22.18 since May 23, which includes a new tool to detect password leaks.

The Google Chrome web browser has had this type of functionality for some time now, but Google Assistant will take it a step further with the ability to automatically change compromised passwords.

Not all sites are supported, and for some, you will have to go to your different user spaces to manually modify your identifiers, but this initiative is a step in the right direction. Password leaks are common on the web, and if a user uses the same login for all the platforms they connect to, the consequences can quickly be disastrous.

On the same subject :
You will no longer need to say “OK Google” to wake up Google Assistant

Source : Android Police

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