Google Chrome 104 is available, discover all the news

Noellie Mautaint

August 07, 2022 at 1:20 p.m.


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Version 104 of Google Chrome began to be deployed. As usual, she brings her small batch of novelties.

On the program of this update, changes to screenshots, faster page loading, and the usual security fixes. Here is all you need to know.

What’s new with Google Chrome 104?

Google Chrome goes to version 104. The Mountain View firm began deploying the new update to its web browser on August 2. As for updates previous ones, some new features are to be expected to make life easier for users. Starting with one of the most notable: faster page loading. More concretely, Chrome 104 will change the way of loading integrated content from other platforms such as Tweets, Reddit posts, YouTube videos and others.

Since they use precise scripts that directly impact browser performance, these contents normally take a while to appear. However, some pages allowed automatic loading of embedded content. With the new update, this will apply to all pages. Initially, this feature will only be available to 1% of users. A novelty that is a continuation of Chrome 103, which had already offered better performance by loading web pages faster thanks to the support for the 103 Early Hints response status code.

27 security vulnerabilities fixed

The other notable novelty directly concerns captures. Chrome 104 now lets users create a video capture of their tab by choosing a specific area instead of the whole page. A feature that can be particularly useful during videoconferences to show only the necessary content to other participants. For example, it is possible to share a slide from Google Slides while remaining in edit mode.

Chrome 104 also improves the placement of multi-screen windows allowing the browser to open a full-screen window and an additional pop-up window. Along the same lines, permissions for full-screen content can now be transferred between multiple windows. This new update also leaves more choices for saving bank details, in addition to fixing 27 security vulnerabilities. To check if your browser is up to date or to install Chrome 104, go to “Help” then “About” and then click on “Update Google Chrome”.

Source : Google, Neowin

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