offers a dark mode more intense and more suitable for OLED screens

Benjamin Logerot

February 23, 2022 at 11:06 am



For some time now, users of the Google search page have had access to a new night mode displaying a completely black color, more suitable for OLED and AMOLED screens.

For a short time, users were able to try this dark theme before seeing the option disappear just as quickly as it arrived.

Black is black

For still many users of the search page, only two appearance options are available in the settings: a light theme and a dark theme, the latter consisting of a light gray display. A few days ago, Google implemented a A/B Testing (deployment of a new version of the search engine to a limited and random number of people) to offer a new dark or night theme.

Announced on the company’s Twitter account a fortnight ago, the arrival of this completely black theme (its hexadecimal code is #000000) should allow a more intense display adapted to fixed OLED screens and AMOLED screens of smartphones.

The American giant has not communicated a precise date for the wider deployment of this black theme, but if the tests are conclusive, we can hope for its arrival on our search engines this year.

On the same subject :
Google wants to soothe your web reading with the Roboto Serif font

Source: 9to5Google

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