Google Drive: This is how you use the cloud on smartphones and tablets


With Google Drive for iOS and Android you can also access your documents on the go. We will show you what possibilities the mobile version offers you.

For many, Google Drive is no longer only used as a web version. The mobile app also offers extensive functions. In this guide, we will show you how to use cloud storage as effectively as possible on your smartphone or tablet.

Cloud storage in comparison: 13 providers in the test

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First, we will tell you how to create a document. Next, we’ll go over how to search text and replace words. We also show you how to share, scan, sort and much more documents.

  1. Create documents
  2. Search text and replace words
  3. Save documents offline
  4. make files available
  5. Upload files and media
  6. Scan and name documents
  7. Sort files and documents

Create documents

  1. instructions 1

    To create a new document, tap the plus icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.

  2. instructions 2 instructions 2

    A context menu then opens in which you can select whether you want to create a text document, a folder, a presentation or a table. You also have the option of scanning a document with a photo or uploading a file from the internal memory of your smartphone.

  3. 3

    In this example we have chosen to create a text document. Please note that Google Docs must be installed on your smartphone for this function. Accordingly, you need the counterpart from Google from the Playstore for a presentation or table.

  4. instructions 3 instructions 3

    Now a new text document opens that you can fill with text directly if you wish. For example, in the top menu bar you will find options for determining the font and size. You also have the option of inserting links, images or tables. While in the bottom ribbon you will find options to underline words, make them bold or change the font color.

  5. instructions 4 instructions 4

    As soon as the new document is ready, click on the check mark in the top left. You can then give your document a unique file name and save it.

  6. instructions 5 instructions 5

    Once the document has been saved, you can find it again via the “Files” option in the lower menu bar of Google Docs. Under the entry “My Storage” you will find all the folders that you have created yourself in Google Drive. Simply click on the document to open it or tap on the three dots to access additional functions. For example, you can download it, share it, or make a copy.

  7. Instruction 6 Instruction 6

    If you tap on the three lines in the upper left corner of the screen, you get to the side menu. Here you can, for example, call up marked files, view recently opened documents or call up the settings.

  8. Instruction 7 Instruction 7

    If you want to access your Google account or switch to a different one, tap your profile icon in the top right. You will usually see the first letter of your account name there.

In the mobile version of Google Drive, you use a “search and replace” function to replace individual words with other words. You can also search your documents for specific phrases. You can find out how this works below.

An internet connection is not absolutely necessary to edit documents in Google Drive. You can make your files available offline so you can edit them on your smartphone or tablet at any time.

Save documents offline

  1. instructions 1 instructions 1

    To make a document available offline, tap the three dots next to the file name. A context menu opens in which you select “Make available offline”.

  2. instructions 2 instructions 2

    If everything went well, a confirmation message will appear saying “File will be made available offline”.

Google Drive is a great way to share documents with friends or work colleagues. Below you will find out how to do this.

Google Drive is not only a storage for various text documents, but also allows uploading and sharing of other files and media. Learn how to do it here.

A function for scanning and naming is also extremely practical. In this way, digital copies of paper documents can be made quickly and easily.

Order is half of life. That’s why we show you in our last tip how to keep your cloud storage organized. You can sort your storage according to various criteria.

Sort files and documents

  1. instructions 1 instructions 1

    Select the “Files” tab to go to your vault.

  2. instructions 2 instructions 2

    You can change the sorting order in your clipboard and, for example, sort by recently modified, opened or edited documents. To do this, tap on the filter that sorts by name by default and select one of the sorting options mentioned.

Looking for more Google Drive tips and guides? Learn from us how you can change the storage location of Google Drive on Windows or use the cloud storage as a web server.

See the list above for more Google Drive guides. Just click on the item you want to watch the tutorial.

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Source: Google Drive on the web

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