Google Maps: no, there is no secret feature to detect speed cameras

Google Maps

Google Maps is an online service and a free mobile GPS navigation application that allows you to create routes (car, bike, public transport), save maps, find points of interest, etc.

  • Downloads:
  • Release date :
  • Author :
    Google LLC
  • Licence :
    Free License
  • Categories:

    Leisure – Travel

  • Operating system :

    Android, Online Service, iOS iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch

If radar warning devices are officially banned in France, a legal vacuum allows certain devices and applications to report them despite everything. Sometimes called “danger zones”, the control zones can therefore be indicated when approaching them.

However, contrary to what many articles claim, this functionality is not offered by Google Maps, at least in France. Thus, if it is possible to activate the “speed limits” and “speedometer” functions to monitor your pace, there is currently no radar warning device integrated into the application. . For the moment, nothing indicates that Google is preparing to launch such an option in France.

The driving directions options of the Google Maps Android application in France.

The driving directions options of the Google Maps Android application in France.

This confusion may be due to the presence of an alert in the event of speed cameras on Google Maps in other countries, and this for several years now. However, this is not the case with us, since the law has prohibited revealing the exact location of cabins since 2012.

Other solutions to avoid being flashed

However, there are applications warning of speed checks. This is particularly the case of Waze, also published by Google, or the paid application Coyote. However, the most effective solution remains respecting speed limits… 100% effective against fixed, movable and mobile speed cameras.

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