Google quietly adds real-time location sharing to the Contacts app on Android

Location sharing apps are an easy way to find out where your family is. But if you’re using Android, it’s even easier to find out where your friends and family are.

In the latest version of the Contacts app, Google has quietly enabled the ability to let someone see your exact location in real time via Google Maps. It’s worth noting that this isn’t a new feature, since the ability to share your location via Google Maps has been around for some time. But the new addition to Contacts is more convenient, because if you want to call or text someone, you can do so and see where they are all in one place.

There are, however, a few requirements to start sharing your location. First, you must have saved the other person’s Gmail account in their contact card to your account. Then, the person providing their location must have enabled location sharing in Google Maps (the person providing see This information does not need to enable location sharing unless they want the other person to see it too).

screenshot of Google Contacts showing location

Aly Windsor/ZDNET

How do I activate the feature?

To enable location sharing in Maps, simply go into the app, tap the profile picture in the top right, then tap location sharing and reshare. There is an option to share your location for a set amount of time or until the setting is turned off.

If these two conditions are met, you will see a small Google Maps module appear on this person’s contact card in your phone, under the options to call or send them an SMS. By tapping on this module, you will get a map of where the person is currently located. You also have the option to get directions to where it is or receive an alert when it reaches your location.

The latest version of Contacts – version – is required for this new feature. To find out which version you have, long-press the Contacts app, tap App info, then scroll to the bottom. If you don’t have the latest version, go to the Google Play Store and search for it.

While Google Contacts is the default option for all Pixel devices, it can be downloaded by anyone with access to Google Play – meaning any Android device can access this new feature. As Google Maps is available on iOS, an iPhone user can be seen on an Android’s contact card, but as Google Contacts is not available for iOS, it doesn’t work the other way around.

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