Google: say hello to the future Chrome, with a revisited interface

Camille Coirault

July 11, 2023 at 10:15 a.m.


Google Chrome © © Nathana Rebouças / Unsplash

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The famous browser is paying for a little facelift. More modern, less square, Chrome is adorned with a brand new theme by the name of Mica. We tell you more and we explain how to take advantage of this refreshed interface.

Chrome Refresh 2023: this is the name of the aesthetic overhaul enjoyed by the browser. Google hasn’t completely changed the codes of its interface, but has applied small visual improvements to keep the browser up to date. A less boxy look coupled with more modern colors, all with a new theme that changes the look of the browser to make it more pleasing to the eye.

Bye bye angles and hello to Mica

At first glance, we obviously recognize our good old Chrome. But more softened, less rectilinear; the whole offers a more subtle rendering. This is the first feature of the Chrome Refresh 2023 update. We’ve been used to the right angles of window sills and tabs for years. These are now replaced by rounded corners. The result is rather harmonious and more modern.

Chrome Refresh 2023 © © Windows Latest

© Windows Latest

This aesthetic update therefore includes a new theme, Mica, in line with Google’s “Material You” philosophy. To understand: it is the user who will have the final use of the interface and not the designer. Google therefore leaves it a wider margin of creativity in terms of personalizing its various devices.

Mica can work dynamically like it does in Windows 11. It is able to embed desktop theme and wallpaper to apply them to other floating windows, like open apps or settings For example. The result is fluid and flatters the retina.

The result of integrating Mica with Chrome looks much more modern and consistent in some aspects. In terms of the user experience, it’s really successful and the navigation is visually more pleasant. Everything is obviously compatible with Mac and the Chromebook OS.

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Improvements for touch screens and new customization options

Chrome Refresh 2023 offers more browser customization options, especially in terms of colors. Although it was already possible to choose between several ranges of shades, these have been expanded and other combinations are possible. Google has not forgotten browser users who use touch, and has optimized its overall ergonomics to make it easier to use.

Here comes the interesting part, how do you take advantage of this visual overhaul? Follow these few steps below:

  1. Download and install the Canary version of Chrome, which will give you access to additional browser features.
  2. Open Chrome Canary and enter in the URL bar: “chrome://flags”.
  3. Enable the following two flags: “chrome-refresh-2023” and “chrome-web-ui-refresh”.
  4. Restart the browser to see the magic happen!

Google is dusting off its flagship browser, and that’s not displeasing to us. Not that the old one was fundamentally dated, but it’s always nice to see a familiar tool evolve aesthetically without its central functionalities being shaken up too much.

Google Chrome


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Google Chrome

  • Very good performance
  • Simple and pleasant to use
  • A secure browser

Complete and fluid, Google Chrome stands out as a free reference for web browsers and is in an excellent position against other flagship applications such as Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge (formerly Internet Explorer). To complete its Windows, Mac and Linux version for computers, the Californian firm also offers a mobile version compatible with Android and iOS.

Complete and fluid, Google Chrome stands out as a free reference for web browsers and is in an excellent position against other flagship applications such as Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge (formerly Internet Explorer). To complete its Windows, Mac and Linux version for computers, the Californian firm also offers a mobile version compatible with Android and iOS.

Sources: Windows Latest, Bleeping Computer, Microsoft

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