Google wants to replace journalists with AI… and is already making demos!

Camille Coirault

July 21, 2023 at 12:05 p.m.


AI Journalist © ©


Google is in the midst of testing a new artificial intelligence tool that can write press articles. This news is causing concern among journalists, particularly regarding its potential impact on the credibility of the information relayed.

Genesis is the nickname of Google’s new journalistic AI project. It had to happen one day, and the American company was very proud to present its new tool. To advertise, it organized demonstrations of the AI ​​to executives and leaders of old and very prestigious American press organizations. THE washington post, The New York Times And News Corporation, a major entertainment group with dozens of newspapers, was first on the list. So, Genesis: opportunity or threat?

A “personal” tool for journalists, but at what cost?

Genesis was developed and designed by Google as a personal editorial assistant for journalists. He can integrate information and create reliable editorial content. According to the Mountain View firm, it was not designed to replace journalists, but to automate certain tasks and free up time for editors. Well, that’s on paper. Many critics have been opposed to it, affirming that the use of such a tool will lead to a minimization of the effort expended in writing quality news articles.

Google defends itself by presenting Genesis as a responsible technology, which could precisely help the press industry and its actors to stay away from generative AI models like ChatGPT. For the moment, the leaders of the Times and washington post refrained from commenting.

Jeff Jarvis, Director of Tow Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at New York University (Center for University Research and Innovation), said:

As long as this tool is able to provide reliable information, journalists should make use of it. However, if misused by journalists or news organizations that cover topics that require nuance and some form of cultural understanding, it can cause problems. The credibility of the tool itself could be damaged, as well as that of the people or organizations using it.

NY Times © © Courrier International

©Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

The controversial marriage between AI and journalism

Among the many controversies raised by the advent of AI, the one surrounding content writing in the media is a hell of a piece, both in terms of readers and newsrooms around the world. Still, many large news organizations aren’t against exploring the uses of AI in news. Among them : The New York Times, Insider And NPRFor example.

Many professional actors see AI as a way to increase the productivity of journalists: speed of editorial production or the possibility of varying writing styles and tones. Opposite, concerns remain. We already know that improper use of AI could have violent repercussions on the social and professional fabric. Journalism will be no exception. Experts, on the other hand, point out that AI has the advantage of being able to generate articles at scale. But if these articles are not subject to careful verification, the consequences can be serious: spreading of erroneous information and deterioration of the perception of the journalistic profession.

It’s hard to conclude anything about Genesis at this time. In any case, a split in opinion is already forming between those in favor of AI in the journalistic profession and those who see it as a threat. The question is not whether AI will be used or not, but rather when it will be, and how it will be framed.

Sources: The New York Times, The Guardian

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