Google will force you to use this new feature even if you don’t agree, but there is a trick to deactivating it

Since enabling Google’s AI-powered search feature, many users have tried unsuccessfully to disable the often incorrect AI summaries. Although it is not possible to disable them directly, here is a method to work around this problem.

ai google search disable

The activation of Gemini AI in Google’s search engine, announced at the Google I/O 2024 conference, aimed to improve search efficiency. This integration allows the search engine to process complex queries through multi-step reasoning, providing accurate and detailed answers in a single window.

On the same subject – Gmail welcomes Gemini: here’s how AI will boost searches and responses to messages

Although designed to add value to search results, it often turns out to be incorrect and often even causes delays. Users are desperate to disable this feature, but the firm does not allow you to do this directly. However, a new method offers a solution for work around this problem.

How to disable Google AI summaries

Despite the theoretical benefits of this feature, users encounter many problems. The company recently extended this functionality to all users in the United Stateswith deployment planned in other countries, making impossible direct deactivation of this function.

Also read – Good news, Google’s Gemini AI could run on your old smartphone

Note, on the mobile devicesyou should install firefox and modify its search engine settings to force the entry point mentioned below.

  1. Open Google Chromeclick the three-dot menu at the top right and select “Settings”.
  2. Scroll down to the “Search Engine” section and click “Manage Search Engines and Site Search”.
  3. Click “Add” next to “Site Search.”
  4. In the “Add Search Engine” dialog box, enter a name for your search engine (for example, “Non-AI Search”). For a shortcut, enter a keyword to quickly use this search engine from the address bar (for example, “Web”).
  5. Change the URL to {google:baseURL}/search?udm=14&q=%s
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click the three-dot menu next to the newly created search engine and select “Set as Default”.
  8. Close the Settings page.

Now, when you search from the address bar in Chrome, it will be done using Google’s new “Web” search feature. For return to previous methodsimply go back to the search settings and set “Google” as your default search engine.

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