Google’s good idea to protect your personal data

The Google Play Store now requires applications to offer and facilitate the procedure for deleting accounts and personal data. Even if you have already uninstalled an app, you can delete your information.

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Credit: 123rf

Since December 2023, Google has asked application publishers on the Play Store to comply with a certain number of rules regarding the deletion of users’ accounts and personal data. From May 31, 2024, the Mountain View firm gives itself the right to sanction those who have not kept up to date. For the moment, a visual element is being deployed to highlight applications that respect these new guidelines.

As spotted by Assemble Debuga contributor toAndroid Authoritysome users may start to see a badge appear “Account deletion available” in the Data Security section of the apps Play Store page. This means that the application respects the rules dictated by Google regarding account deletion and personal data.

Easier to delete your account and data linked to an app

Concretely, this badge ensures that the user can delete their account and the data associated with it at any time from the application itself, but also from the web. As a result, you can erase your tracks once you no longer use an application. And if you have already uninstalled it, you do not need to reinstall it, since there is an option to start the procedure of deleting information from the web.

Play Store data deletePlay Store data delete
Credit: Android Authority

Deleting the account should automatically result in the deletion of data linked to it. It is also possible to request the elimination of certain specific information, such as activity history or photo and video content, without however getting rid of your account.

In some cases, application developers must retain certain data, for example for legal reasons. In this situation, they are then forced to explain this data retention practice within their Play Store file.

Source: Android Authority

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