Gossip for Telekom and Vodafone: Federal Network Agency ensures the end of popular tariffs

The Federal Network Agency prohibits Telekom and Vodafone from continuing to offer their StreamOn (Telekom) and GigaPass (Vodafone) tariffs. The popular tariff options violate European law. Customers must expect far-reaching interventions in their mobile phone use.

Vodafone and Telekom: Federal authority bans StreamOn and VodafonePass

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) takes strict action against so-called “zero rating” offers. Mobile phone tariffs in which certain services are not counted against the data volume, but others are, should no longer exist in the future. The marketing of the corresponding tariff options is prohibited, as is further use by existing customers. are affected “StreamOn” from Telekom and versions of the GigaPass from Vodafone.

Until July 1, 2022 the providers must therefore stop marketing to new customers at the latest. There is a little more time to transfer existing customers to other tariffs or to adjust the existing contracts accordingly. But by the end of March 2023 it will also be over.

In September, EU judges ruled that zero rating violated the “principle of equal treatment of data traffic,” the BNetzA explained in its statement. the existing unequal treatment ends Well, according to the President of the Authority, Klaus Müller.

This should be for the best for consumers: “We expect that the providers will now Offer tariffs with higher data volumes or cheaper mobile flat rate tariffs. Consumers will benefit from this.”

If you want to continue using Zero Rating for as long as possible, you shouldn’t cancel your mobile phone contract now. But otherwise there is much to be said for it:

End for zero rating: That’s what Telekom and Vodafone say

The decision is not well received by the providers: At Vodafone, they are currently analyzing the authority’s decision, a company spokesman said when we asked them, and will then provide information on how things will continue. For customers who use a Vodafone GigaPass, everything remains the same as before.

Telekom regrets the end of StreamOn, that used by around four million customers was, explains a spokesman on GIGA request. It is confirmed that according to the specifications of the BNetzA StreamOn can no longer be offered at the specified deadlines. Customers and partners will be informed in good time about the end.

With free data volume and adapted tariffs with higher data volume for “selected customer groups”, the Telekom offer will be further upgraded in the future. Telekom is preparing the appropriate steps. The authority’s decision is already making adjustments necessary. It remains to be seen in the coming weeks and months whether or to what extent these will actually benefit consumers.

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