Gotham Knights announces its release date by surprise, see you on October 25

The State of Play organized this evening by Sony leaves room for all fantasies, even though the manufacturer has specified that it would be mainly dedicated to games from Japanese publishers. With the rumor of a beta following mentions of playtest found on Steam, Gotham Knights seemed to be one of the few Western games to have a chance to say hi to us tonight, but he preferred to drop his release date this afternoon, without warning.

Right there before a long halloween

No more frills, Warner Bros Games announces on Twitter that Gotham Knights will be released on October 25 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

No new trailer to get your teeth into, nothing, and if we’re not sure to find it during tonight’s PlayStation show, that’s all we know new about this title .

As a reminder, Gotham Knights will put us in the shoes of Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin following the death of Batman, with a grieving city of Gotham which must face many threats, including the Court of Owls or Mr. Freeze. The title will be playable in solo as well as in coop, with the possibility of switching between the four characters in the open world offered by the game.

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