Gran Turismo 7: multiplayer completely broken, players are angry

Major difficulties can sometimes turn a gaming experience into a real nightmare, which seems to be the current case with the racing game Gran Turismo 7.

Recently, players have started reporting numerous issues with the online portion of Gran Turismo 7. Indeed, the latest update, dated September 28, seems to have disrupted the game for many users. As expected, this caused a wave of complaints on the forums.

Very annoying bugs on Gran Turismo 7

For example, on the Resetera forum, the topic is flooded with messages from PS5 players. One user explains that more than half of the races remain stuck on the loading screen.

You have the choice of waiting for it to start or eventually being returned to the home menu, which can take anywhere from 10 minutes to sometimes over an hour. You can also close the game, which unfortunately negatively impacts your driver rating.

Not only is the game affected by bugs, but if you decide to quit, your stats suffer. This, of course, angered the entire community. Some even criticized the Polyphony Digital studio for its lack of communication on the subject, thus fueling more resentment and frustration. However, the team recently published a message on the official website, providing a rather reassuring note.

Blocking of the game: the studio reacts

Here is a list of known issues for Gran Turismo 7 that the studio mentions on its official website:


  • In the ‘Lobby’:
    • There have been reports of cases where ‘Preparing’ is displayed, but the host cannot start the race.
      • Temporary solution: getting all the members out of the room and having them re-enter starts the race.
    • Instances where completing a run does not allow users to progress further have been observed.
  • In a ‘2P Split Screen’ race:
    • Assist settings for Player 2 are locked.
      • Note: correction planned in a future update (Player 1 will use the same assistance settings as those defined in [Paramètres] > [Paramètres d’assistance]).
  • Other issues in the ‘Lobby’:
    • Cases where players in the same room do not appear in the member list or during the race have been identified.
      • In this case, an application error occurs when the host starts the race.

General information: These issues should be fixed in a future update.

So don’t worry, the problem will be resolved soon. The timing nevertheless remains bad, since it coincides with the end of Gran Turismo Sport.

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