grandma’s best remedies

Are your teeth loosening from their gums? This phenomenon can have several causes. Discover the best remedies from grandmother to fight against loosening of teeth.

Implanted in the jaw by roots, the teeth are well maintained… in principle, they do not move. However, it sometimes happens that the teeth come loose and this, more or less quickly. The causes can be numerous: dental plaque that accumulates, poor oral hygiene, smoking, brushing too aggressive … Anyway, this phenomenon is not to be taken lightly.

The consequences of tooth loosening are multiple and sometimes irremediable. In the worst case, it can even lead to the loss of some teeth and result in the installation of expensive dentures at the dentist. Fortunately, there are solutions to maintain good dental health and thus prevent the phenomenon. Despite all your precautions, if you think you may be concerned, do not wait to test these grandmother’s remedies against loosening of the teeth.

Causes and symptoms of tooth loosening

Why in some people, teeth come loose faster than in others? Several reasons can be at the origin:

  • The hereditary factor first. Indeed, tooth loosening is something that can be passed down from generation to generation. If your parents have suffered from it, you may be more predisposed to experience such issues. In prevention, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a dentist.
  • The accumulation of tartar and dental plaque promote loosening.
  • Poor dental hygiene: irregular brushing, infrequent, irregular, neglect in the gesture …
  • Bruxism: this disorder which is expressed by the involuntary grinding or tightening of the teeth.
  • Smoking.
  • Age and with it, decrease in blood supply to the gums. This can lead to faster bone loss from the tooth root.
  • Poor alignment of the teeth.
  • The stress.
  • Periodontitis (periodontal disease of infectious origin that destroys the supporting tissues of the teeth, gums and bones).
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Certain serious pathologies such as diabetes for example.

Several symptoms can put you on the spot:

  • Your teeth are more sensitive to hot and cold.
  • You have the impression that your tooth (or teeth) is growing and moving.
  • Your gums bleed abnormally when you brush them.
  • Your gums retract, revealing the roots of your teeth.

Baking soda to slow tooth loosening

Baking soda is a natural product that can be found everywhere. A quick walk in your neighborhood grocery store and you can easily get this miracle product. Among its many functions, it also has that of doing good to your teeth. If you have inflammation of the gums, you can relieve the pain and prevent loosening of your teeth with a little baking soda.

The right recipe? Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and stir until the seeds are completely dissolved. After washing your teeth, rinse your mouth with it. The promise of this preparation: to remove tartar quickly to find healthy teeth and gums.
You can also use baking soda powder by sprinkling it directly on your toothpaste, once or twice a week. No more, so as not to damage your tooth enamel.

Good dental hygiene

Having good reflexes to keep your mouth healthy is essential on a daily basis. This also helps to fight against premature dental loosening. To keep your teeth healthy, adopt good oral hygiene and say yes, for example, to dental floss at the end of brushing. Obviously, brush your teeth very regularly, at least twice a day (after each meal is even better!). The right gesture: from the bottom up and not the other way around.

Taking care of your teeth also involves choosing a good toothbrush. Drop the harsh hairs, at the risk of hitting your gums. Especially if you have sensitive gums. Prefer a soft brush for gentle brushing.

Aloe vera, natural remedy against inflammation of the gum

Inflammation of the gum tissue can lead to loosening of the teeth. To reduce inflammatory risks, nothing better than natural products. Among them, aloe vera. This plant with recognized health and beauty virtues also has the power to stop bleeding gums and soothe dental pain. What could be better ?

To use it properly, cut it in half and rub the wet area of ​​the plant directly against your aching gum tissue. Easier to use, you can also use aloe vera gel topically, on the gum area.

Lemon, remedy for bleeding

Do your gums have the annoying tendency to bleed when you brush your teeth? Don’t panic, it’s a frequent dental concern. Sometimes it is completely benign and in other cases it can presage a loosening of teeth. To stop this gingival bleeding, you can use lemon, preferably organic.

How? ‘Or’ What ? Cut the skin off the fruit and rub the branch part on the gum. Do this several times a day until the situation improves.

100% natural mouthwashes

The health of your teeth depends above all on a strict oral hygiene adapted to your needs. Mouthwash is a reflex to adopt in your routine. You have the choice: choose a ready-made mouthwash or use natural products to make your own treatment. Among the popular ingredients: salt water and apple cider vinegar have the particularity of reducing pain related to dental inflammation. Indeed, salt water would act effectively against swelling of the gum tissue. For its part, apple cider vinegar, a known antibacterial, helps reduce the proliferation of oral bacteria.

Among the mouthwashes that work well is sage mouthwash. A few infused sage leaves in a cup are enough. All you have to do is do a mouthwash with this preparation to prevent your teeth from being uprooted. Be careful though to let the infusion cool down so as not to burn yourself. This mouthwash can be done up to 3 times a day.

Fill up on vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids

To prevent your teeth from loosening too quickly, it is important, along with good dental hygiene, to pay attention to your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon or in certain vegetable oils such as walnut, rapeseed, soybean, flaxseed oil, etc.) improve gum health . This makes it an interesting treatment for gingivitis. If your food intake of omega-3 is not sufficient, you can turn to food supplements containing it, and for example a 3-month cure.

For its part, a vitamin C cure would have positive effects on the teeth and gums. You have the possibility to consume it in any desired form. In particular in treatments by tablets or via foods rich in vitamins C (oranges and broccoli for example).

Oil-based treatments to heal gum tissue

Several oils are known to take care of the health of the teeth and fight against gum disease, particularly periodontitis. This is the case with traction oil, which is said to have the power to eliminate oral germs. As well as coconut oil and sesame oil, to fight infections and eradicate the presence of bacteria. To use as a mouthwash… also ideal for freshening breath and preventing cavities.

Clove oil, with many properties

Cloves have several properties that are effective in taking care of their oral and dental health. What we recognize in particular: an immediate antibacterial and purifying action. In addition, the numbing action of cloves is well known to calm local dental pain.

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