Grandma’s heat tips: 12 things to cool down

Grandma’s heat tips
12 things that cool you down

A welcome refreshment: Juicy fruit or vegetables.

© bobex73 / Adobe Stock

Grandma was always well prepared. Also with regard to the oppressive heat, which often takes us by surprise in the summer months. With grandma’s tricks it’s more relaxed through the hot days!

Grandma never had to miss ice cream. Categorically, there was the pack full of mini popsicles, a delicious vanilla ice cream in round ball shapes and served with sweet strawberries and chocolate sauce – or a fresh iced coffee.

As far as the right dessert was concerned, Grandma always knew what was best for which season – from cold desserts to stracciatella cream, there were a lot of delicacies. Little things with which grandma helped us to cool down and start the summer day with new freshness. But even apart from the food, grandma had a lot of great summer life hacks ready for us.

12 tips from grandma for hot days

1. Feet in the water

Grandma always had a large bowl ready to fill with ice-cold water, usually straight from the garden hose. The Kumme was either standing outside with grandma’s garden chair – or sometimes just in front of the TV chair. Always there where it is needed. Even today a very pleasant heat tip that is passed on from generation to generation.

2. Loose and airy clothing

Cool fabrics such as linen trousers, silk T-shirts or cotton shirts – grandma and grandpa were well equipped when it came to summer wear. The outfits were often even long-sleeved or consisted of three-quarter trousers. After all, the skin had to be protected from direct sunlight as far as possible and bearable.

3. The fan at hand

My grandmother always had her fan with her in the summer – or simply made a new one out of a piece of paper when she was out. At the kitchen table, in the living room or in the garden, she always had a fan-like object to hand, with which she fanned the air.

4. The cooling bottle

Why not use a hot water bottle for cool things too? After all, the practical little helpers are well insulated and keep the cold at hand for a while.

5. Wash bedclothes and hang them up in the room

The air temperature in the room just won’t go down? Grandma’s tip: hang up wet bed linen. Now put a fan inside, which rushes through the cool fabric – done! With the air circulation, the room cools down a little, according to grandma. Because of the humidity, however, it is essential to air the room in the evenings and mornings.

6. Cold rag on the back of the neck

Just as we can cool your feet, we can also start on the neck. Simply soak a washcloth in cold water and wring it out again – and then onto the neck for the coolness factor.

7. The coneflower

“Child, don’t underestimate the sun,” Grandma often said. This tactic not only saved me as a child, but also later in adulthood from one or the other sunstroke. After all, protecting your head, which is exposed directly to the blazing sun, is always a good idea.

8. Freshness thanks to our own fruit syrup

Elderflowers from the garden were picked from June and prepared for delicious syrup, and rhubarb and other ingredients from grandma’s garden were also used in many ways. The sweet and viscous juice was ideal for a refreshing spritzer and was always an absolute highlight for us in summer. Sometimes in sparkling wine instead of mineral water.

9. Water Spray

Take a spray bottle and cold water – and hey presto: the water spray is ready. With this we can now regularly spray our face with cool mist or try to cool the air in the room down a bit. The bottle offers the best freshness effect if it can be stored in the fridge before use.

10. The kitchen outside

Prepare in the cool house, cook in the warm garden. Nothing is sadder than not being able to get the heat from the stovetop out of the kitchen after a delicious meal. Grandma had a simple solution: delicious salads, sandwiches or the evening BREAD – but also: the induction plate, which was moved outside for cooking potatoes or pasta – and of course: grilling like crazy.

11. Cool wrists

Running cold water over the wrists can have a very pleasant and refreshing effect.

12. Playing under the water sprinkler

Jumping through the water sprinkler in the summer was always the most fun when we were kids. Whether it’s classic with water jets placed next to each other that trickle through the air or with a rotating monster that we can avoid, jump over or let ourselves be hit with full force. A wonderful cool down and fun for all children – and also adults – of the family.


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