Greasy hair: How to get rid of it

Greasy hair can make you desperate. We have the tips that will help you as quickly as possible.

You shouldn’t wash your hair too often and instead use dry shampoo every now and then. In any case, that is a statement that is often made by hair experts on TikTok and Co. In general, it’s about that Protection of the scalp and tips, which are stressed every time you wash your hair. But can you really generalize like that? Oily hair requires slightly different care, which is mainly related to sebum production.

Oily hair: causes and symptoms

Our scalp is just as complex as the rest of this huge organ we commonly refer to as skin. Below there are glands, follicles, immune cells and nerves, all of which serve one purpose: to keep our scalp healthy. But sometimes this smooth process gets messed up. There are four main reasons for this:

Incorrect scalp care

The glands in the skin secrete sebum at regular intervals, which nourishes the skin and hair smooth should do. If we wash our hair every day, we also remove the natural fats, i.e. sebum, from the scalp. If we then suddenly start washing our hair every two or three days, the scalp will become greasy more quickly. The Sebum production has changed and the glands become more stimulated if hair washing is skipped.


They are a blessing and a curse at the same time: hormones. If they get out of balance, it can also affect sebum production on the face and scalp. After this gets going, excessive sebum is created, which is why the hair quickly becomes greasy.


If we are stressed, it is reflected in our body. The production of cortisol and adrenaline increases and also affects the sebaceous glands. They then produce more sebum than usual, which is why the scalp becomes greasy more quickly.


You are what you eat. We know this sentence and it has its right to exist. After all, the skin is also an organ, or more precisely, our largest. Like any organ, it is influenced by what happens in our body. This also includes food intake. Particularly fatty and sugary foods are crucial for sebum production and make it worse. Instead, you should switch to lighter food or reduce the fatty and sugary foods. Besides, it’s worth it Food rich in vitamins so eat lots of fruit and vegetables, preferably lightly steamed.

You can easily tell whether you have oily hair. If your hair is already shiny after the first day of washing your hair, feels coated and hangs flat on your scalp, this is a clear indication that your hair is greasy.

What can I do against oily hair?

The fact is, something has to change. The Adjust diet and remodeling is a good step. But this is of no use if the other triggers are not ruled out or addressed. First, be clear about whether you… greasy hair because of your hormones have. The best thing to do is to have this clarified by a specialist, for example in the field of gynecology.

Also check whether you are under excessive stress suffer and whether your hair also becomes greasy when you are on vacation and can relax. If your scalp seems more balanced during your free time, try meditation, yoga, Pilates, or another sport or hobby Compensation for stress to find.

Last but not least: None of this helps if the products you use are not right. There are ingredients that stimulate the sebaceous glands. These include, among others Silicones, parabens or mineral oilsas they are the sebaceous glands clog. But sulfates are not our friends when it comes to our scalp either. The strong one Surfactant irritates the skin, which in turn stimulates sebum production. Therefore, look for shampoo that does not contain these substances.

You can also use tried and tested home remedies. More on that later.

How do I properly care for oily hair?

Proper care is the be-all and end-all for a healthy scalp, not just for oily hair. If you tend to produce increased sebum, which quickly causes your roots to become greasy, then wash your hair every two to three days. You don’t have to last a whole week until the next time you wash your hair. Every skin is different.

If you notice on the first day after washing that your scalp is slowly becoming greasy, then take something Dry shampoo at hand. It’s best to choose a powder that you can sprinkle on the roots. Dry shampoos with aerosols are practical, but they can also put a strain on your respiratory system. If you don’t have dry shampoo in powder form at home, you can also use it Body powder, mineral powder or baby powder To fall back on. The advantage of mineral powder is that it protects your scalp from UV rays. The minerals it contains, such as zinc or titanium dioxide, act like a sun protection factor and reflect sunlight. Especially in summer, you can kill two birds with one stone.

The right shampoo for oily hair

Shampoos for oily roots are often strongly formulated because the aim is to break down the excess fat. But that is rather counterproductive. Oily scalp does not need aggressive surfactants to be cleansed. Choose a shampoo that uses mild surfactants and does not contain sulfates. In addition, a shampoo without silicones is better for your scalp if it becomes greasy quickly. Silicones can clog pores and are therefore not good for the hair roots.

Take something with you instead Aloe vera, sage or green tea. These ingredients are gentle on the skin and also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it is good if the shampoo is suitable for the scalp PH value has the best between 0 and 5.5 should be lying, so it is quite sour.

You can use a clarifying shampoo once a week to free your hair and scalp from all styling products. You can recognize these shampoos by their transparency. When you rinse out the shampoo, your hair should squeak a little.

Home remedies for oily hair

Apple Cider Vinegar: The table vinegar is a good addition to the in-house pharmacy because it serves many purposes. Among other things, it helps against greasy hair. You prepare the acidic rinse in the following ratio: Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to one liter of still water. Pour the rinse over your damp hair and do not wash it out. This stabilizes the pH value.

Healing clay: It is not for nothing that this product has a promising name. Healing clay can actually help us with many things, including oily scalp. Mix the healing clay as directed on the packaging and apply the mixture to your damp hair. After the specified exposure time, which is usually 15 to 20 minutes, remove the treatment with lukewarm water. Now your roots are degreased and should feel fresh.

Camomile tea: Chamomile is an excellent composite plant that is also suitable for skin care. Be it for pimples or stewardess disease, also known as perioral dermatitis, to soothe the skin – or for the scalp to bring it back into balance. To do this, boil two tea bags in water, let everything cool down and pour the tea over your washed hair. Rinsing is not necessary.

Nettle: The root can work wonders. When we drink nettle tea, it has a diuretic effect. Applied to the scalp, it helps regulate sebum production and cleanses gently. To use it, boil a tea bag or tea leaves, let the water cool and then pour it over your scalp. Rinsing is not necessary here either. This allows the substances to have a better effect.

Lemon juice: An acidic scalp needs acidic food. Lemon juice is just the thing because it is rich in minerals and vitamins and can balance the pH value. For the treatment, mix the juice of two lemons with two cups of lukewarm water and massage the mixture into your scalp. After five minutes of exposure, rinse everything carefully with lukewarm water.

Valuable tips for less greasy hair

We have explained how greasy hair occurs. By paying attention to balancing the pH value and finding the trigger, you can take the following tips with you:

  1. Wear every now and then Hairstyles with hair clips. This means your roots can breathe and your hair won’t become greasy as quickly.
  2. If possible, avoid wearing caps or hats unless it is too cold. The heat buildup only encourages the formation of more sebum. Mixed with sweat, this is a guarantee for greasy hair.
  3. Don’t strain your scalp. A mild shampoo is the only thing that should come into contact with your scalp.
  4. Use no aggressive scalp scrubs, i.e. peelings for the roots. This will only cause further damage and possibly overwhelm your sebaceous glands.
  5. Wash your brushes and combs Thoroughly clean regularly until all deposits are removed. Not only do they make hair dull, but they can also cause more oil at the roots.

Would you like to learn more about the world of hair care? We’ll show you how you can stimulate hair growth and strengthen your hair. Do you also want to get thicker hair? No problem, we have tips for you there too.

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