“Great catastrophe” – Drexler: Flood victims need confidence

He is only interested in the cash that is set up to help the flood victims in Carinthia and Styria – Styria’s governor Christopher Drexler (ÖVP) said on Tuesday evening in the “ZiB 2”. Those affected now need comfort, confidence, hope and perspectives.

The aim is to let the evacuated people back into their homes and that they can go back to work. For example, volunteer firefighters are currently being released from their jobs. These things would occupy people, they were the reality of their lives. Previously, Drexler had been asked in “ZiB 2” on Tuesday evening whether Austria’s politicians would conduct debates that had little to do with the reality of people’s lives other discussions, but at the same time assured that the federal government is better than its reputation. She would have to deal with a difficult legislature and a major catastrophe with the storms. Drexler is certain that she will set the right priorities in the future. It had previously sounded different in a newspaper interview, in which he spoke of the fact that topics are often discussed that have little to do with the reality of people’s lives. However, the Styrian governor did respond to one of these debates when asked – the one about cash in the Constitution. He spoke out against overloading the constitution. This should be a set of rules for the functioning of the state. Drexler is not interested in academic debates about what should and shouldn’t be in the constitution. A few statements by Drexler were recorded on X (formerly Twitter). Here you can see one of them. Other topics of the “ZiB 2” interview were climate protection and climate activism. The state party chairman of the ÖVP Styria stated that climate protection was an overriding political goal. Every reasonable person knows that climate protection is the task of our era. He relies on technological progress. Drexler is critical of the climate adhesives. There are far more sensible and efficient ways to achieve goals. The general realization that something has to be done already exists anyway. According to the governor, climate protection must be compatible with prosperity.
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