Great news for gamers waiting for Gears of War E-Day on Xbox

Game news Great news for gamers waiting for Gears of War E-Day on Xbox

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If the first Gears of War is so cult in the minds of players, it is partly thanks to its atmosphere. An atmosphere that its successor would like to find again for the greatest pleasure of the players!

The horror of emergence

It is on the occasion of the announcement by The Coalition of new opus of the cult license from Microsoft – Gears of War: E-Day – that Nicole Fawcette and Matt Searcy, respectively brand director and creative director, dwelled in more detail on the ambitions of the game IGN microphone. Their objective is clear: to return to the horrific origins of the series. In fact, this new title is placed as a prequel to the license, exactly 14 years before the famous Emergence Day.

For us, it’s like a what-if story. What would happen if the ground opened up and monsters came out? Sure, it takes place on a fictional planet, but there are very human reactions and stories that we can tell. To do this, we need to be able to tell a story that feels like a horror story. -Matt Searcy

Development therefore seems to be taking a more horrific path, not without forgetting its science fiction roots. A mixture of genres which was already the charm of the first opus, particularly during the terrifying invasion of the Locust Horde. An atmosphere gradually abandoned over the episodes, to the great dismay of early fans. Continuing on said atmosphere, Sceary and Fawette then explained how the studio could use the power of Unreal Engine 5 to bring all kinds of scary situations to lifethanks in particular to “a higher level of fidelity making the scary creatures of the underground believable”.

Back to the origins

In her perspective of breaking with the last episodes of the saga, Nicole Fawcette recently revealed to Game File that Gears of War: E-Day would be an entirely linear game, breaking with the semi-open world experiences of Gears 5. The brand director also takes the opportunity to reveal the framework of the title. This will take place in the town of Kalona, ​​which The Coalition has “fully intend to tear” using the Unreal Engine. She also specifies that E-Day will focus more than ever on “the brutality and melancholic atmosphere of the series, without forgetting the genre of exaggerated action” which the series is known for.

During an interview for Xbox Wireshe declares that this new opus will present “a modern version of the experience and its characters. They are much more vulnerable” she declares, before adding: “There’s a weight that they carry between them, and it creates a really interesting tension as they navigate their own relationship. You have this intimate story that takes place during this apocalyptic day. I think for fans it will be really compelling to dig deep and explore their bond and how it evolves over time“. No release date has yet been revealed, but the title is currently in development for Xbox Series X/S and PC.

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