GreedFall II: The Dying World, Nacon and Spiders formalize a second episode on video and with a handful of visuals

Spiders is currently busy with Steelrisinghis Action RPG with souls-like sauce taking place during the French Revolution, but with automatons. It was to see the light of day in June, but will not finally arrive until next September. Well, surprise, this is not the only game the French studio is working on for Nakonbecause the publisher has just formalized a “sequel” to its role-playing game GreedFall. Yes, you read that right, it won’t be Focus Home Interactive who will edit it unlike the first episode since Spiders was acquired in 2019 by Big Ben Interactive.

GreedFall 2 The Dying World logo 18 05 2022

For the moment, we will have to settle for a title, GreedFall II: The Dying Worldor simply Greed Fall 2 as mentioned in the Press releasesome visuals and a first description.

Continuing the approach started on the first opus, GreedFall 2 is an RPG which particularly values ​​the choices and the narration, but which offers new more tactical combat gameplaywhile reconnecting with the unique universe created for its predecessor.

The story begins three years before the events of the first part and the adventures of De Sardet. This time you play as a native of Teer Fradee forcibly torn from his island to be taken to the continent of Gacane, homeland of the settlers. In this old world torn apart by war, bruised by malichor and the political conspiracies of the various factions, you will have to regain your freedom and take back the reins of your destiny. Using diplomacy, cunning or combat, as well as the help of the allies you gather, it is up to you to put an end to the ambitions of conquest of a man who could tip the continent like your island towards their end.

Yes, you read correctly, it will be a prequel, which will propose the reverse path of the first episode, by transporting the main character of Teer Fradee to Gacane.

“It is with great enthusiasm that we reveal to the world GreedFall 2, the new creation of the Spiders studio”, declares Alain Falc, Chairman and CEO of Nacon. “Many fans around the world have been asking for this sequel, and we are happy to publish this new opus which will surely delight them, while attracting new players, lovers of role-playing games, great stories, action and of fantasy. »

“While we were working on Steelrising, the love for the GreedFall universe never left us, and it is with great pleasure that we return to it”, announces Jehanne Rousseau, founder and director of the Spiders studio. “In this new installment, players will discover the old continent with more varied and expansive landscapes, they will meet new companions and new factions, and I hope they will experience memorable adventures there. »

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Update : a first trailer has also been released.

We have time to see it coming, because this GreedFall 2 won’t be released until 2024 on PC and unspecified consoles. Well, it goes without saying that the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S will be affected, but who knows until when the publishers will decide to offer games cross gen

Read also: GreedFall TEST: a moderately excellent RPG

thumbnail editorAlexandre SAMSON (Omega Law)
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