green clay masks: benefits and recipes

Green clay has many virtues. Renowned for being the beauty ally of the hair, this product also has the power to restore radiance to the face. How to make a mask with green clay? What are its properties? Follow the guide.

Renowned since the dawn of time, green clay has extraordinary therapeutic properties. Used internally or as a poultice, it has the power to soothe pain, relieve cuts and bites and promote healing of sprains. But its power doesn't end there. Green clay is also recognized in cosmetics. It not only helps to eliminate excess sebum accumulated in the hair but also to mattify the skin. Therefore, experts recommend making green clay masks once a week on average.

Green agile, for what types of skin?

Rich in mineral salts and trace elements, green clay purifies the skin and regenerates the pores. It is recognized for its absorbent, healing and softening properties. This treatment is applied as a mask and is ideal for oily to combination skin as it helps reduce sebum production. Green clay is also recommended for acne-prone skin that has difficulty tolerating chemical scrubs.

How to prepare your own green clay paste?

Green clay, ready to use, is available in crushed or powdered form. It is easily found in drugstores or on organic stands. For reasons of economy, it is also possible to do it yourself at home. Its effect will be the same. To do this, place a glass of clay powder in a container. Form a well in the middle of the powder and then pour in small amounts of water. Mix gradually until you get a thick paste. On the use side, it is possible to apply this mixture immediately. However, be sure to add enough water so that the dough is easy to spread. You can also store your dough in an opaque container and rework it, adding water, before use.

Product selection:
Surfine green Montmorillonite clay
This natural product is recommended by Danièle Favari is rich in mineral salts and trace elements comes from Montmorillon in Vienne. It has a strong absorption capacity and is purifying. It is used to prepare cleansing treatments for oily or blemish-prone skin. Price: 3.90 euros. In stock on Aroma-Zone.

Argiletz crushed green clay
A bio mineral naturally concentrated in various assimilable mineral salts. Weight: 3 kilos. Price: 15.95 euros, free delivery. In stock on Amazon. Notice: Users are won over by the value for money of this Argiletz green clay. They also believe that it is possible to make masks from this product provided you read the instructions carefully.

Cattier green superfine clay
Organic green clay. In stock on Amazon. Price: 6.89 euros + 5.99 euros for delivery. Notice: On Amazon, users praise its format and cost "very economical". An easy-to-use product suitable for all family members from an early age.

How to make a homemade green clay mask?

Do you want to make your own green clay mask at home? Nothing's easier. Mix a tablespoon of clay paste with half a teaspoon of water in a container or saucer. You then obtain a flexible dough. Apply a thin layer of the paste on your face. For people with acne, focus on areas of the face where you have pimples. For better use, be sure to follow a few tips: leave the mask on for about thirty minutes or even sixty minutes at most, avoiding contact with the eyes. After the break time is respected, wash your face with water. Remember to dry your skin well. To complete the treatment, apply an organic moisturizer. Avoid, in all cases, the use of aggressive products.

Which essential oils to associate with green clay?

Green clay can be combined with various products, whether essential oils and vegetable oils, depending on the identified need. To restore radiance to the skin, it is recommended to add borage or carrot vegetable oils or wild carrot essential oil. The essential oils of rosemary, cypress and lemon help fight against excess sebum. Rose water, on the other hand, is known to dry out acne pimples. In case of acne, you can make a green clay mask with which you associate "brewer's yeast, softening mallow or linden powder and sweet almond oil with a drop of oil. lavender with antiseptic properties with green clay ”, as Danièle Favari recommends in her book The virtuous clay, published by Médicis.

Tutorial: honey-yogurt softening mask recipe for dry skin

2 tablespoons of ultra-ventilated white clay
1 tablespoon of yogurt
1 tablespoon of liquid honey
1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil
• In a container, pour the clay and cover with water. Let stand a few
• Then add the sweet almond oil,
yogurt and honey and mix with your fingertips
in order to obtain a homogeneous paste. If necessary,
add a little water to make the dough more
soft, or clay if it's too sticky.
• Apply the preparation on the face,
avoiding the eye area, and let it sit
15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with
the clear water.

Clay is smart, from Alix Lefief-Delcourt to Leducs editions.

To read also on aufeminin:
For clear skin, I adopt green clay
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