Green Party leader dampens expectations: Countries call for further deportations to Kabul

Green Party leader dampens expectations
Countries demand further deportations to Kabul

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Above all, Union representatives of the state governments want this to not be the first deportation to Afghanistan since 2021. In their opinion, people should not only be deported there – and in the future, not only criminals. Opposition is coming from the Greens.

The federal states involved welcomed the first deportation flight to Afghanistan since the Taliban seized power three years ago. Representatives of the CDU/CSU in the state governments of Bavaria, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg simultaneously called on the federal government to carry out further deportations to Afghanistan and also to Syria.

The German government announced the deportation of a total of 28 criminals this morning. It was the first deportation flight to Afghanistan since August 2021, when the radical Islamic Taliban seized power there.

“Refugees and foreigners who commit serious crimes here must leave our country,” said Hesse’s Prime Minister Boris Rhein. “I expect the federal government to make it possible to deport more criminals and dangerous people to Afghanistan and Syria,” said the CDU politician. His party colleague, Hesse’s Interior Minister Roman Poseck, explained that in the future “repatriations of Syrians who are required to leave the country should also be possible, regardless of crimes.”

“It was about time”

“It was high time that the federal government finally got going,” said Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Hermann. Due to “concerns, particularly from the Greens,” deportations to Afghanistan had not been possible for a long time, complained the CSU politician. “I hope that this is not just a flash in the pan on the part of the federal government. Further deportations to both Afghanistan and Syria must now follow quickly.” According to Hermann, there are at least 174 Afghan and 203 Syrian criminals in Bavaria who must be “quickly taken out of the country.”

Baden-Württemberg’s Secretary of State for Migration, Siegfried Lorek of the CDU, also demanded that the federal government allow further deportations to Afghanistan and Syria. Thuringia’s Interior Minister Georg Maier of the SPD also demanded: “We must significantly increase the number of deportations.” This is “an expression of a capable constitutional state.”

Green Party leader warns against Legitimation of the Taliban

Green Party leader Omid Nouripour, on the other hand, dampened expectations of further such actions. Deportations are “not possible on a large scale,” explained Nouripour. “This would require direct state cooperation, which is not possible with the Stone Age Islamists of the Taliban,” stressed Nouripour, referring to the Taliban ruling in Afghanistan. They are “rightly not recognized by any democracy in the world.” The deportation flight that took off from Leipzig must “not lead to the legitimization of the Taliban.”

Nouripour insisted that in this case too, “the actions of the security authorities must be based on the law and must withstand judicial review.” “It was always clear that there may be technical possibilities to fly people to Afghanistan in a few cases. The flight now being carried out by the Emirate of Qatar is one such way.”

Human rights activists are alarmed

However, Nouripour also explained: “We have always said that we do not want serious criminals in our country and that they do not enjoy any protection.” At the same time, however, innocent people, especially families and children who have fled from radical Islamists, “enjoy protection in our country as a fundamental right.”

The human rights organization Amnesty International sharply criticized the deportation to Afghanistan. “We all have human rights – and no one should be deported to a country where torture is a threat,” said Julia Duchrow, Secretary General of Amnesty International in Germany. “It is alarming that the federal government has ignored these obligations and deported people to Afghanistan.” The human rights organization Pro Asyl also warned that the deportation could represent a step towards normalization of the Taliban government.

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