Grenoble: one injured in the aftermath of a shooting, two investigations opened

A shooting broke out on Saturday morning outside a bar in the Saint-Bruno district of Grenoble, followed by a chase with the police injuring a suspect, AFP learned from a judicial source. Two investigations have been opened, including one by the IGPN on the police shootings.

“Four individuals traveling in an Audi vehicle attacked a bar in the Saint-Bruno district by shooting in front of the establishment”, said Grenoble prosecutor Eric Vaillant in a press release. The vehicle, a stolen Audi Q8, was then chased by the police to the Arlequin district where it came to a stop.

The four individuals then fled. “but one of them would have at some point turned against the police who were pursuing him” and “would have targeted (the police) with his Kalashnikov”continues the prosecutor. “The police would then have shot him three times, wounding him in the shoulder”.

The suspect was transferred to the hospital and his vital prognosis is not engaged. “He would have been born in 1988 and very well known to the justice system, in particular for theft, concealment and possession of narcotics”the statement said.

Two investigations were subsequently opened. The first under the aegis of the Grenoble judicial police for “attempted assassination by an organized gang” against the perpetrators of the shooting at the bar as well as for “attempted murder of persons holding public authority” in against the individual with the Kalashnikov.

The second survey was entrusted to the IGPN of Lyon and relates to “the violence committed by the police with their service weapons against the injured”says Eric Vaillant.

SEE ALSO – An investigation opened in Grenoble after the attack on student members of UNI by antifa

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