Grey’s Anatomy: finally a broadcast date for season 17 on TF1

After several months of waiting, TF1 has just unveiled the broadcast date of season 17 still unpublished in France of “Grey’s Anatomy”, which sees our favorite surgeons facing the Covid epidemic.

TF1 has finally announced the broadcast date of season 17 still unpublished in France of Grey’s Anatomy. From Wednesday January 26 at 9:10 p.m., fans will finally be able to find this new round of episodes under the sign of the Covid, the global pandemic having indeed a central place in the intrigues.

The Gray Sloane Memorial is taking the brunt of the pandemic and has no choice but to adapt. Non-emergency operations are suspended, and surgeons find themselves performing tasks once entrusted to interns.

The deaths follow one another without the doctors being able to remedy it. But one evening, as Dr. Cormak is about to return home, he sees Meredith’s lifeless body in the parking lot. Positive for Covid, she is in a coma …

A highly anticipated season 17

If the channel had accustomed us in recent years to broadcast the longest medical series in the history of television almost simultaneously with the United States in order to avoid piracy, for this season 17, TF1 kept fans waiting who were beginning to despair of seeing the new episodes on their small screen when season 18 is already well underway across the Atlantic.

Perhaps the very anxiety-provoking theme of season 17 of Grey’s Anatomy scared the channel which decided to delay its broadcast as much as possible, even if it meant being off-topic. Because let’s be honest, who wants to watch a series which, for nearly 17 episodes, only talks about the Covid?

Hopefully, the returns of many iconic characters manage to get viewers in front of their TV screens. Indeed, Chyler Leigh, Eric Dane, TR Knight and Patrick Dempsey, who camped respectively Lexie, Mark Sloan, George O’Malley and Derek Shepard, will make notable appearances in this new series of episodes.

Note that, as in previous seasons, the episodes of season 17 of Grey’s Anatomy include several crossover episodes with season 4 of Station 19, its spin-off, which will be offered from January 26 in the second part of evening.

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