Groundbreaking start – Porsche puts its first eFuel system into operation

Porsche and international partners working with the operating company Highly Innovative Fuels (HIF) have started the industrial production of synthetic fuel in Chile. The commissioning of the pilot plant in Punta Arenas took place with the refueling of a Porsche 911.

The synthetic and almost CO2-neutral fuel is produced from water and carbon dioxide with the help of wind energy. In the test phase, production of around 130,000 liters per year is planned. The eFuel will initially be used in the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup and in the Porsche Experience Centers. By the middle of the decade, the project in Chile is expected to produce around 55 million liters per year. Two years later it should already be 550 million liters. For comparison: In Germany, 52.1 million tons of fuel were consumed in 2021, in Austria 3.2 billion liters. The plant is located in the windy south of Chile. From the port of Cabo Negro on the Strait of Magellan, the synthetic fuel can be transported all over the world and distributed via the existing infrastructure.To date, Porsche has invested more than 100 million US dollars (approx. 95 million euros) in the development and provision of eFuels. In April, the sports car manufacturer took a 75 million dollar stake in HIF. The company designs, builds and operates synthetic fuel production facilities in Chile, the United States and Australia.
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