GTA 5: Will the next-gen version also appear on PC? New clues emerged


GTA 5 “Expanded & Enhanced” is only available for PS5 and Xbox Series X so far, but that could change soon. These new clues point to a PC release.

GTA 5 could soon appear in the next-gen version for PC. (Source: Rock Star)

  • GTA 5 “Expanded & Enhanced” is only available for Xbox Series X and PS5.
  • The ESRB also includes an entry for the next-gen version on PC.
  • Files that appear with an update are further clues.

GTA 5 has been released as a next-gen version for PS5 and Xbox Series X, but apparently GTA 5 “Expanded & Enhanced” could soon be available for PC, as new clues show.

So far, only an entry on the Entertainment Software Rating Board, which is responsible for determining suitability for children and adolescents in the United States, has served as an indication. Because there you could find the entry “PC” in the next-gen version.

But with the last update to GTA 5, the first folders and files apparently appeared in the PC edition of the game, which should prepare the next-gen version of the title.

GTA 6: Did Rockstar leak the logo?
Games blockbuster

Rockstar may have leaked the GTA 6 logo itself. Before it was deleted from the store, fans captured it on a screenshot.

As soon as there is an official release date, you will find it in our game release list. Another leak could show the GTA 6 logo.

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