GTA 6: Take-Two specifies its release date, GTA 5 still in good shape

During its traditional quarterly report for its investors, Take Two revealed excellent figures. The publisher took the opportunity to specify the release period for the next opus of the saga Grand Theft Auto, GTA VI.

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See you in fall 2025 for GTA VI

Strauss Zelnick, the company’s CEO, said: “Our outlook reflects a narrowing of the window previously established by Rockstar Games from calendar year 2025 to the fall of calendar year 2025 for Grand Theft Auto VI.” We will therefore have to wait for an exact date, but owners of Sony and PlayStation consoles can expect a release between September and December 2025. A last minute postponement is obviously never impossible.

Still no word on a possible PC port, while the last preview of the game dates from the first trailer revealed last December. let’s remember that GTA V was initially released on consoles and we had to wait almost two years for a PC version.

GTA V sets the bar very high

Take Two also revealed that its goose that lays the golden eggs, GTA V, had just crossed the mark of 200 million copies sold. The last figure was 185 million in August 2023. Its successor will therefore have a lot to do to beat it and perhaps surpass the only video game sold more, namely Minecraft and its more than 300 million.

For several months, Rockstar Games seems to be putting all the chances on its side, in particular asking all of its employees to return to the offices and stop teleworking. As for Take Two, in order to further optimize its already excellent figures, the firm decided a few days ago to make savings and part ways with 5% of its employees. Despite Strauss Zelnick’s recent denials on the subject, this should result in the closure of two studios: Intercept Games (Kerbal Space Program 2) and Roll7 (OlliOlli World).

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