Guard in front of the Consulate General?: Russian “night wolves” post themselves in Bonn

Guard in front of the Consulate General?
Russian “night wolves” post themselves in Bonn

The Russian Consulate General in Bonn received a threatening message last weekend. Shortly thereafter, members of the rocker group “Nachtwölfe” appear in front of the building. What they want there is unclear. The club is closely linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Members of the notorious Russian rocker group “Night Wolves” stationed themselves for several hours in front of the Russian Consulate General in Bonn last weekend. A threatening message containing a white powder had arrived there the day before. The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) confirmed the process. The “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” had previously reported on this incident. According to dpa information, the ten rockers presented their performance as a motorcycle break – on the way to a nearby hospital.

The “Stadt-Anzeiger” refers to an internal situation report by the LKA on crimes related to the war in Ukraine. According to this, 49 crimes have been recorded since the Russian invasion by the beginning of the week: from incitement to property damage, extortion and robbery. As the State Criminal Police Office confirmed, a third of the victims were Russians. This also included the white powder at the consulate – which ultimately turned out to be harmless.

Whether the “night wolves” acted as security guards in front of the Russian consulate after the incident has so far remained unclear. According to a spokesman, the personal details of all those involved were recorded. According to dpa information, the ten men are mainly from Russia and Kazakhstan. The nationalist motorcycle club has close ties to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Putin had attended the club’s events several times and said: “Such manly and cool guys are role models for young people in our country and show them how they should deal with Russia.”

The situation report also addresses crimes against Ukrainian citizens. The LKA also includes the burned-down car of a refugee family in Krefeld. As of March 7, there were a total of eight cases in which Ukrainians became victims.

The “Night Wolves” are known, among other things, for their annual tour to Berlin. The trip from Moscow to the German capital is intended to commemorate the advance of the Red Army at the end of World War II. In Russia, May 9th is celebrated as “Victory Day” over Hitler’s Germany. President Vladimir Putin called for international cooperation against terrorism and neo-Nazism at a military parade in Moscow.

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