Guerini promises a new law to reform the civil service

Civil Service Minister Stanislas Guerini announced on Friday that he was working on a bill to reform the civil service again, which could make it possible to introduce more profit-sharing into the remuneration of civil servants.

I will bring a bill around a few essential principles, he said during his return speech at the Regional Institute of Administration (IRA) in Lyon.

It will aim to better reward the merit of agents, encourage and facilitate mobility in the public service and put skills at the heart of the course, he explained.

On the other hand, the Minister of Public Service did not specify the planned timetable.

The last major civil service reform law, led by the current Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, dates from 2019.

Denounced by the unions, it had facilitated the use of contractual agents in the public sector and laid the foundations for the reform of the senior civil service.

The bill announced Friday could be an opportunity to introduce a greater dose of profit-sharing in the remuneration of 5.7 million public officials.

Stanislas Guerini also intends to use it to make career paths more fluid, by making the promotion system for public officials more flexible and by encouraging them to move from one side (hospital, territorial or state) of the public service to another.

In his speech in Lyon, Stanislas Guerini also announced the deployment in the coming weeks of a plan to protect public officials, following the riots at the start of the summer following the death of young Nahel.

The first thing the public employer owes its agents is physical protection, he said. This is why we will be rolling out an ambitious protection plan in the coming weeks to improve the physical protection of public officials.

The government plans to strengthen the functional protection (provided by the public employer, Ed) of agents who are victims of threats or attacks, to strengthen the alert systems and to improve the support for agents.

One avenue under study would thus consist in facilitating the filing of complaints by the administration on behalf of agents affected by violence.

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