Guess which game sold the fastest in Europe in 2023 (after Zelda of course)

Robin Lamorlette

July 19, 2023 at 4:40 p.m.


Zeldiablo © Midjourney for

© Midjourney for Clubic

In addition to the kingdom of Hyrule, European players have obviously been numerous to find… Sanctuary elsewhere this year.

Of course we are still talking about Diablo IVwhich has seen a record launch for a Blizzard game overall, and especially in Europe, if the latest reports are to be believed.

Hell has descended on Europe this summer

A month and a half after its release, Diablo IV is truly the game of all records for Blizzard. If it has exceeded the symbolic figure of 666 million dollars in revenue in 6 days, it is also recording explosive figures in Europe. It can indeed claim to be the title having sold (both in physical and digital version) the fastest for a month of June in this region since the video game sales reports were launched in 2017.

Diablo IV © Blizzard

© Blizzard

Diablo IV would thus have greatly contributed to a 20% increase in game sales in June compared to the previous year and occupies, with the figures we have, the second place of the games having sold the fastest in 2023, after a certain Hogwarts Legacy.

© Warner Bros. Games

This is however to be tempered, since Nintendo did not share the digital sales figures of its event title. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Taking into account the latter’s explosive success, Diablo IV should logically be in third place on the podium.

The PC and the PS5 at the top of the list

Without surprise, Diablo IV has in Europe (and probably the rest of the world) been mainly installed on PC with 66% of sales on this platform. The PS5 is the second favorite platform for the heroes of Sanctuary, with 21%, and the Xbox Series X|S timidly brings up the rear with 9%.

The PS5 is also placed in June as the best-selling console in Europe, far ahead of Microsoft consoles, with an impressive increase of 116% compared to last month. This enthusiasm is probably due to Final Fantasy XVIwhich stands out as the second best-selling game in June, behind Diablo IV.

Final Fantasy XVI © Square Enix

© Square Enix

Exclusives therefore continue to sell consoles, no offense to Satya Nadella, since it was the Nintendo Switch that occupied this prestigious first place last month. And that makes sense, since the long-awaited Tears of the Kingdom came out in May. See you in September to see if Starfield will manage to do the same for the Xbox Series X|S?

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