Guess who is entering the chatbot race? Apple, of course!

Maxence Glineur

July 20, 2023 at 8:30 a.m.


Apple Logo © © Laurenz Heymann / Unsplash

© Laurenz Heymann / Unsplash

Apple could announce its own chatbot to much fanfare next year, but not before solving one of the technology’s biggest problems.

Tech giants have rushed to create new generative artificial intelligence programs, capable of offering useful (or not) tools to as many people as possible. Apple had however remained quite discreet on the subject, and its relative silence became almost worrying.

A chatbot like the others

Well, the news has fallen: the Cupertino giant is creating its own chatbot, says Bloomberg. Affectionately nicknamed ” AppleGPT internally, it shouldn’t be much different from ChatGPT or Bard, and should therefore be able to summarize texts or answer questions using the database it was trained with. But the real name of Apple’s program currently responds to the code name ” Ajax ”, this one being designed with Google Jax, the search giant’s machine learning framework.

The chatbot has been available to several Apple teams for some time now, but the company keeps a lot of control over its use. Indeed, it is not yet possible to use it to develop features for customers, but rather to help with product prototyping, and the company does not seem to have big plans for its new program yet. Things should move quickly, however, since the Apple firm is actively looking for talent in the field of generative AI.

chatbot © © Alexandra_Koch / Pixabay

© Alexandra_Koch / Pixabay

A different vision of technology?

If Apple has remained silent on the subject of artificial intelligence for several months, it would be mainly for good reasons. The use of chatbots raises many concerns about user privacy, and it’s a weakness Apple wouldn’t want to overlook. Does this announcement mean that it has managed to solve the problem? Nothing is certain, but the company would give itself a year to provide us with even the beginning of an answer, since Bloomberg suggests thatAjax (And AppleGPT for friends) will be presented next year.

So how could the program be rolled out? always according to Bloomberg, it is John Giannandrea and Craig Federighi, vice president of software engineering at Apple, who would be in charge. The former notably oversaw the development of Siri and its machine learning capabilities. The voice assistant would therefore be a prime target to be powered by a generative AI program. However, things could go much further.

If Apple wants to guarantee maximum privacy protection, the best solution would be to carry out the processes in whole or in part directly at the user, that is, on the brand’s devices. Although it remains impossible at the moment without having a data center at home, this option could become a reality sooner than we think. In addition, the Cupertino company designs relatively powerful chips, which may be able to take on some of the work. Finally, the company is renowned for its ability to optimize its programs with its hardware, and the same will surely be true for Ajax. What really make Microsoft and Google tremble?

Source : TechCrunch

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