Guido Maria Kretschmer reveals 3 trend colors that really suit us in winter

“When I’m pale, I’m not keen on pistachio tones”
Guido reveals 3 trend colors that really suit us

© Christoph Köstlin / Guido

You can see light pastel shades everywhere right now – but they only flatter a few in winter. Guido Maria Kretschmer knows how to do things better. In an interview, he reveals three new trend colors of the season.

This year, pistachios, sage and violets have evolved from flavors and fragrances to true trend colors in fashion. For a long time now we have not only been eating the pistachio as ice cream, but also wearing it as a blazer. Light pastel tones accompany us into winter, adorning clothes rails and mannequins. However, if one or the other dares to wear the good piece on their own body, enchanted by the soft color world, some are met with disillusionment. Magical or not – unfortunately the tones don’t conjure up a beautiful complexion for us. Instead, they often even underline our pallor.

So on the sunbed? You don’t have to shoot at sparrows with cannons. Especially not when you have a designer at your side who knows what to do. In an interview with Guido Maria Kretschmer, we wanted to know from him which colors are coming this season – and he promptly advised us against pistachios and the like. Instead, Guido brings into play what we want anyway in the cold season: warmth. And with deep tones that really do something for us.

3 new colors that really do something for you

“What’s coming now are all the shades of red. That can also be great in massive color combinations.”reveals the designer, because you can work very well with the many different tones that red offers – from deep to lively.

Guido Maria Kretschmer was particularly taken with a rich, dark red tone that is almost red wine-like: “In the collection we also called a color New Burgundy, which also suits many people.” The trend color can also be wonderfully combined – with the tones that you already have in your closet. The idea of ​​sustainability also plays a role, because Burgundy harmonizes perfectly “with all the yellow saffron tones that we already have at home”. In addition to black and yellow, there is another color that Guido Maria Kretschmer surprisingly recommends for the new red: “Even green works well if the red is really deep and the brown character comes out. Then the color is also super nice for something paler Skin.”

Guido Maria Kretschmer recommends nougat instead of pistachios

Speaking of green and paleness… “All these delicate green tones, which I don’t find so suitable for winter. If I’m so pale myself, I’m not keen on pistachio tones,” the designer currently advises against these trends. Instead, he has two other trends ready.

I believe that the big Braun world is there too, with its nougat gradationswhich in turn can also be combined very nicely with red,” says Guido Maria Kretschmer.Amazingly, a gold hue is back too“Metal tones that you can also wear,” the designer recommends at the end. And these tones make us shine even without a sunbed complexion.


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