Guido Maria Kretschmer reveals his favorite piece for winter 2022

Guido Maria Kretschmer reveals his favorite piece for winter 2022

© Christoph Köstlin / Guido

Winter is just around the corner and with it the eternal question: How do I dress warmly without looking like an onion layer after layer? In an interview, Guido Maria Kretschmer gave us his insider tip for the cold season.

It’s gotten really cold. How do I notice that? I repeat the same game every morning: I stand in front of my closet, think about which sweater I want today, put it on – and then nobody sees my decision. Because before I leave the house, I throw on a cardigan. And don’t take them off for the rest of the day anyway. Friends, the onion time is kind of over there!

So every year winter throws me way back when it comes to fashion, unless I’ve opted for a very flattering cardigan that you can’t get enough of. But that doesn’t have to be the case. In an interview, Guido Maria Kretschmer told me his absolute favorite piece for cold temperatures and I’ll just say this much: I would never have thought of it, but it could actually replace the onion look.

Guido Maria Kretschmer himself likes to wear the good piece when gardening, as he says, but it’s best to leave it on indoors as well, after all we all want to save on heating costs this year: “That’s a good tip for everyone who doesn’t want to be out and about in the booth with a very thick sweater,” he advises. And then Guido also reveals what it’s all about:

I’m a big wrist warmer guy! I like wrist warmers, sometimes small cuffs that keep you nice and warm.

Guido Maria Kretschmer knows: wrist warmers are coming back!

That’s where memories come up. The last time I personally wore striped leg warmers was when I was going through a brief teenage emo punk rock phase. But yes, they were comfortable – and still are today. Most importantly, they keep you really warm. The wrists are a real heat accumulator, if we keep them covered, we also protect ourselves from cold hands.

By the way, you don’t have to rummage through old drawers or in the attic: In fact, wrist warmers are currently available again in many boutiques and small shops. Well, you can become a trendsetter with Guido if you stock up now!

Speaking of which: the designer has another tip for frostbite and heating cost savers. Gauntlets in one size larger, so to speak: “I’m for knitted bandeaus – you wear them under your sweater, then you still look slim”, says Guido. This also protects the middle of the body from the cold: “If you have them of good quality, you’re fine for the winter. You always stay warm, even though you’re not dressed that thick,” Guido himself raves about. And me right away: maybe I can still wear my sweaters this year without hiding them under a jacket.


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