Guido Maria Kretschmer: We are now reviving these 2 nostalgia trends

Guido Maria Kretschmer reveals
We are now reviving these 2 nostalgia trends

© Stefan Knauer / Shutterstock

Guido Maria Kretschmer revealed in an interview: We will remain nostalgic in 2022. Two trends that may be familiar to some of us will help here…

Everything was better before. Well, we would actually rather attribute this sentence to the older gentlemen among us, but some of us might sometimes catch ourselves saying or thinking the four words, slightly ironically. Life is made up of hills and valleys, and on the descent we prefer to remember the peak phases. Our brain is very adept at this – because most of the time the past really does appear rather rosy, because we tend to remember positive things, and the negative things recede into the background over time.

But we can definitely use that to our advantage: A little nostalgia can brighten up dull winter days and give us a nice feeling of security. To reminisce, we can take a look at the wardrobe, for example. Or that of our parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents. There are guaranteed to be a few parts hidden in there that could look really good on us again.

Nostalgia trend 2022: The 70s are back!

Guido Maria Kretschmer revealed to us in an interview that nostalgia trends are making it big again this year. We may have already encountered some of them in many a shop window or even on the catwalk. And even if we didn’t want to believe it at first, Guido confirms: “The slipover was actually there again!” And now he’s staying for a while. So it doesn’t hurt to get the piece and try out how best to style a tank top for yourself.

In addition to the sweater vest, other trends from a very specific decade are now making a comeback. While the last few years have been very much influenced by the 90s (we just say cropped tops and bell-bottoms), a new era is coming: “There’s a new revival of the seventies right now, there are a lot of moments that were there yesterday and the you know,” reveals Guido Maria Kretschmer.

Well, as if we foresaw it – just recently we in the editorial office were reminiscing about the good old seventies and decided to bring these fashion pieces back out of the closet (and ditch a few, too). do you join


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