Gustavo Minas: A father documents the birth of his daughter

Having a baby is a wonder time in a woman's life. But everything changes not only for the mother when a baby comes into her life. For the future dad, too, the time of pregnancy and childbirth bring very special moments that touch and change them deeply.

Photo series "O Parto": 24 fascinating pictures of pregnancy and birth

How much these moments touch a father is shown in the wonderful, intimate and tender pictures of the Brazilian photographer Gustavo Minas of the pregnancy of his girlfriend Priscila and finally the home birth of his daughter Violeta. The photo series is called "O Parto"which means" The Birth ".

In very delicate and gentle images, he documents the moments in which he and Priscila found out about the pregnancy, the first gentle curves of their belly, the great joy of having a child together, the longing and anxiety, the hoping and waiting and finally the huge baby ball just before giving birth. Each of his pictures is full of love and fascination.

The finale of the picture series are the pictures of the home birth of her daughter Violeta. They show very closely and naturally the birth of a child and what an incredible feat of strength such a birth means for the mother.

After all, her baby is finally here. The last pictures in the series show Priscila and her daughter Violeta in those fascinating first moments after the birth – when the new life begins as a family and many moments are full of magical joy.

Take a look at all the beautiful pictures of the birth of Priscilas and Gustavo's daughter Violeta in our gallery.

You can see many more strong pictures of Gustavo Minas on his website at and on his Instagram account @gustavominas. Thank you for allowing us to show these fascinating pictures here.