GZSZ: After Alex: is Maren getting out too?

The next shock for fans: is Eva Mona Rodekirchen leaving the show now?

After Alex: Is Maren getting out now?

The death of Alex and the related exit of Clemens Löhr, 52, from the series "good times bad times" was a real tragedy for many fans and difficult to cope with. But the next shock should be even bigger!

As is now rumored, Maren (Eva Mona Rodekirchen, 44) could also turn her back on the neighborhood. Or has Eva Mona Rodekirchen even secretly made off? After an emotional breakdown, Maren's series role decides to go to a catering trade fair in Hamburg to distract herself from her grief. A few days pass, but Lilly (Iris Mareike Steen, 28), Jonas (Felix van Deventer, 24) and Co. wait in vain for a sign of life. What happened to Maren?

Sunny (Valentina Pahde, 25) suspects that Maren simply has too many other things on her ears. "She's definitely in the stress of the trade fair, I know that from myself," she tries to reassure her friend. But Lilly sees it differently: "But then you at least reply to messages!" Is Maren in Hamburg at all? Or has she secretly escaped like Shirin once (Gamze Senol, 27)? The audience will experience this in the coming weeks at 7.40 p.m. at GZSZ.

This article originally appeared on Gala.de.
