Habits of Successful Women | BRIGITTE.de

When it comes to success, most people probably first think of their job and profession: Those who are successful earn an above-average amount of money, hold a leading position and rarely fail. Or we associate success with some form of competition: the winner who prevails over her competitors is obviously successful. Either way: In both cases, success is measurable, clearly defined and recognizable from the outside.

But is it really that simple?

After all, we know, for example, that quite a few professional high-flyers invest so much time and energy in their careers that there is little room in their lives for other things (family, love, self-development). And then their “success” or what they did for it may even make them unhappy one day. Even those who constantly expose themselves to competition and measure themselves against others run the risk of overlooking themselves – and ultimately even losing …

Success has many faces

So if success is supposed to be something positive, it can’t be that simple! And that’s no wonder.

Terms like happiness, success and contentment are difficult to define for everyone because we are all different. For some, success means starting a large family and raising happy children, for others it feels successful when they dream of traveling a lot, running a marathon or even fulfilling a management position in a large company.

So, in general, success means really finding out what your own personal goals and priorities are(and that often involves trial and error!) to devote one’s life to them and to be happy at the same time – already on the way, not only at the destination. Anyone who is successful in this way has always won all along the line.

Video tip: 7 habits that immediately make you more likeable


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