Hades 2 finally gives some news and it’s really good!

Supergiant Games is not in the habit of making sequels to its games. If the extremely anticipated Hades 2 is an exception, this future gem will not leave newcomers on the sidelines.

In any case, this is what Greg Kasavin, producer of Hades 2, indicated. He also confirmed the release window for the early access period of the extremely anticipated title. Trip to Hell to dissect all of this.

Hades 2 is coming soon to very early access

With Hades the first of its name, Supergiant Games has literally risen to the pantheon of the most esteemed studios in the industry. The title released in 2018 was an absolute hit, winning a shower of awards. To say that Hades 2 is expected around the corner is therefore an understatement. Its announcement at the Game Awards 2022 has in any case ignited a huge community of fans. The trailer below has almost 6 million views. An overall divine performance for an independent studio!

Hades 2 unfortunately could not be released in early access in 2023, as initially planned. A blessing in disguise, allowing Supergiant Games to create a game that meets Homeric expectations. The game has been in development for three years now. This was stated by its producer Greg Kasavin in an interview with the Brazilian site Jovem Nerd. He also shared information that will please fans. Early access should indeed arrive soon: between April and June 2024. If the title is already galvanizing the crowds, it should not leave newcomers in the fog.

A sequel that can be enjoyed alone

The producer of Hades 2 has indeed clarified that the title is intended to be “standalone”. Even though it naturally takes many elements from the original game, it is in itself an “anthological” work. First of all, we no longer play Zagreus, but his little sister Melinoe. And unlike her brother, she will not seek to confront their father Hades, the god of the Underworld, but to save him from the clutches of his own father, the titan Chronos.

To help her in this perilous enterprise, like Zagreus, she will receive the help of deities from the Greek pantheon. However, we should not find the traditional Zeus, Dionysus, Hermes and other Aphrodites. The world in which Melinoe will evolve should also be quite different from that of the original game. So many points which will please both veterans and newcomers. All that remains is to wait for the release of Hades 2 in very early access to start this new odyssey which already promises to be fantastic.

New heroine, new deities, new settings, but still good old Hades. © Supergiant Games

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