Hair care mistakes in summer |

Does our hair care have to look different in summer than in other seasons? Definitely! We asked an expert.

As much as we love summer, salt water, heat and dry air are not always good for our hair. Too much care or too little? It is difficult to find the right balance – especially when it is hot and dry outside. But how much is actually enough? We asked Katrin von Hallwyl, founder of the hair care brand Ikoo Hair.

Hair care in summer – what makes sense?

Basically, it is a problem all year round that almost nobody uses the right care products or the individual care products are not coordinated.

Guilty! On all charges. If you are honest, then one or the other is sure to be found in this statement, right ?! What do we do now? According to Katrin von Hallwyl:

In summer it is important to clean the hair gently with sufficient care ingredients. The sun in combination with sea and chlorine water leaves traces on our lavishly colored hair. Even natural hair, without coloring, is strained by these external influences. But that need not be! A conditioner after daily shampooing or an oil spray on the beach during the day and an intensely approaching hair mask in the evening repair the hair structure without much work. But one thing is clear: in summer you shouldn't skimp on maintenance.

Conversely, this does not mean that we should wash our hair more often than necessary. Even if we often have the need to treat our mane to an extra wash here and there in summer, you are not doing it really well. "Washing too often ensures that our scalp produces more sebum and sweat. The result: hair greases faster. To avoid this, you should not shampoo your hair more often," explains Katrin von Hallwy. Instead, she advises you to use dry shampoo. Oh, and if you do wash, then let the hair dry in the air – it will be less stressed.

When choosing products in summer, make sure that they give the hair a lot of moisture. This is the be-all and end-all. And another tip from the expert: after the summer, definitely go to the hairdresser.

Then at the latest it is time for a top cut.