Hair off: The best hair removal methods for smooth skin in summer

Hair off!
The best hair removal methods for smooth skin in summer

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There are many ways to get smooth skin. Which one is best? We asked a dermatologist!

When temperatures rise and layers of clothing are removed, the topic of smooth skin is back in vogue – and everything that goes with it, from the blade to the caring companion. However, Germans are rather conservative and still prefer the wet razor to trim what needs to be trimmed.

Smooth summer skin: choosing the right products

“The market offers so much more,” says Dr. Melanie Hartmann, dermatologist and expert at small electrical appliance specialist Braun. “There is shaving, but also tools for permanent hair removal such as laser systems and IPL flash lamps. You can use depilatory cream or epilators that pull the hair out at the root. Natural methods such as sugaring, i.e. hair removal with sugar wax, are also possible alternatives.”

Which way is the most sustainable from an ecological point of view? “Disposable razors produce the most plastic waste,” says Melanie Hartmann – “Multiple razors only occasionally produce razor blades as waste. Wax strips are also not very sustainable. Epilators and IPL devices that can be used for many years are certainly the best in this regard. And waste can certainly be saved on some packaging.”

Our professional: Dr. Melanie Hartmann is a dermatologist and hair removal expert at the small electrical appliance manufacturer Braun.

Our professional: Dr. Melanie Hartmann is a dermatologist and hair removal expert at the small electrical appliance manufacturer Braun.

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Get to work on your complexion!

Did you know? More and more women are shaving their faces – from the hairline to the chin. “Dermaplaning” is the name of the trend that ensures a fuzz-free complexion – and also makes it shine more. Why is that? “Because not only do all the hairs disappear, but also the skin flakes,” explains Dr. Melanie Hartmann. “This makes the complexion appear more even, and make-up and care products are better absorbed.”

Although there are special dermaplaning blades that are easy to handle, you should still be careful: always shave from top to bottom and never apply too much pressure to avoid injuries.

Anyone who suffers from sensitive skin, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, neurodermatitis or facial eczema should also avoid dermaplaning. Otherwise, the symptoms could become worse.

Designed for the long term

The armpits are the number one hair removal area for German women: 80 percent want to make them smooth. Shaving, epilating or waxing is quick, but the hair always comes back. If you want to take care of things more fundamentally, which is what many people want with hairs above the upper lip or on the arms, IPL and laser treatments are a better option. “The result may only develop over a period of weeks, but after repeated sessions, it lasts longer and longer.” According to our expert, the devices work best when there is a contrast, i.e. the lightest skin possible and the darkest hair possible. “For darker skin types or people with blonde, white or grey hair, I therefore recommend shaving or epilation,” says Dr. Melanie Hartmann. Lasering is therefore easier before you go grey.

Also exciting: There are now special razors or smaller IPL attachments for removing hair from smaller areas such as armpits or intimate areas. “They are more ergonomic or have narrower blades so that sensitive and hard-to-reach areas can be removed thoroughly and gently.” Other advantages: less skin irritation and cuts, better hygiene.


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