Happiness booster: 9 scents that trigger pure joy of life

Happiness booster
9 scents that will instantly make you happier

Happiness booster: These nine scents ensure pure joy of life

The sense of smell is often underestimated. He accompanies us every day and sends us important signals. It’s not for nothing that we associate certain scents with people, events and memories. And of course there are also feelings that influence us in everyday life. These nine smells are known to make you happy.

Who does not know it? A smell hits our nose and immediately all the memories, feelings and thoughts come back. Our sense of smell is essential – and always has been. In the past, it served us primarily for protection: from fire, spoiled food or danger. But it was also important for searching for food.

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Of course, our sense of smell still serves us today. It warns us about expired food, gives us pleasant feelings and memories and guides us through everyday life, even if often unconsciously.

Certain smells even have such a strong influence on our emotions and feelings that they can put us in a more positive mood from one moment to the next – it’s not for nothing that the concept of aromatherapy exists. Smells can invigorate us, cheer us up and even relieve stress. Find out which nine smells make you feel better and revitalize your body and mind.


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