Because of frustration eating. Scientists have found that women tend to gain weight when they are in stable and happy relationships. Maybe that is why Hüftgold is also called "Love Handles".
Before the outcry starts: There are definitely very happy women without love handles and without partners. We just don't write about them today. We write about those who are in a relationship and have one or two roles. Let it be said to you: Should your sweetheart ever dare to complain about it, you can now prove it to him in black and white: He is to blame for it, because he is a good partner. Because scientists have found out in a study: Women who live in a stable and happy relationship, start a little.
Love handles were yesterday, now we have lucky rolls
By the way, there are many reasons for the little lucky rolls. On the one hand, couples mutually adapt to the eating habits of their partner and men often eat less healthily, more fatty and late in the evening. On the other hand, happy couples like to hang out together, so that the trip to the gym is canceled from time to time. The fact that cooking and eating are celebrated much more with two people than alone does not make things lower in calories.
By the way, men also get fatter
As a consolation: Men also start at some point when they are happily forgiven. You become more comfortable, do less sport and prefer to hang around with your loved one instead of looking for the big action. It is lucky that they are not spared. So we can at least feed each other through life together. Because we're just damn happy!