‘Hard on my head’: Davies is back after ‘crappy’ diagnosis

“Hard on My Head”
Davies is back after ‘crappy’ diagnosis

Alphonso Davies received a bitter diagnosis at the beginning of the year: Signs of heart muscle inflammation slowed down the FC Bayern professional. The Canadian is now returning to team training. And gives an insight into how he felt the last few weeks.

It was mid-January when Alphonso Davies and FC Bayern received the “very shitty” diagnosis, as coach Julian Nagelsmann called it: After surviving a corona infection, the professional was diagnosed Signs of heart muscle inflammation detected, since then the Canadian has been out. “It’s important that he can heal, but it’s also a shame because Alphonso had just come back. We also need his quality in the position and since his downtime is uncertain, it’s particularly annoying,” added Nagelsmann later. Now a return of the 21-year-old is at least in sight, even if it is not yet imminent.

“I train very, very hard with and without the ball, run a lot, do strength training. I hope that I can help the team again soon,” Davies reported back in an interview on his club’s website. “I’m happy to be back on Säbener Straße. The regeneration is going well so far. I don’t have any problems with my muscles or my heart, but I’m not at 100 percent yet – not yet! I’m just happy that I I can train again and I’m ready for work.”

“Best case has occurred”

Julian Nagelsmann had already revealed in February that “d“Almost said goodbye to the dangerous markers of the heart”.. “There are still one or two things that still need a bit of time. There will be another check-up appointment in two weeks. The best case has occurred in terms of the healing process.” Davies had played 16 games this season before his mandatory break and was involved in four goals.

In the meantime, the signs of myocarditis have healed, and Davies is now gradually being reintegrated into team training. “The last four to eight were very boring, hard for my head. I made a lot of music in my studio. My family was here for a long time and I visited my girlfriend in Paris once or twice. And otherwise: wait, wait, wait …”

“Can end a career”

Team-mate Thomas Müller had called for patience: “This is a topic that is not to be trifled with. He must now make sure that he takes care of his health. You really have to be careful with something like that. We mustn’t underestimate that, we mustn’t say: Okay, yes, next week it’ll be fine again,” said Müller after the game in Cologne. “As you know him, and I know him too, I think you have to be more careful that he realizes that this is not something to be trifled with. I can imagine that you don’t notice that so much in peace. He has to be careful now.”

The doctor and medical journalist Dr. Christoph Specht had warned at the beginning of the Bundesliga professional’s rehabilitation: With such an illness you have to be careful and heal yourself completely, he said RTL / ntv. “Inflammation of the heart muscle can lead to permanent damage. In the worst case, such a disease can end a top athlete’s career.” It is not yet clear when the defender will be back in a competitive game for the record champions.

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